Journey to Faith

Journey to Faith
Follow your own path

Thursday, February 3, 2011

True Love

It's February and I'd like to talk about true love. What is true love? Is it that butterflies in the stomach, can't think of anything or anyone else, crazy for you feeling? We have all experienced this euphoria at least once or twice, right? It is something that kind of happens to us all of a sudden out of the blue. We are "smitten" as they say.

As wonderful as this "falling in love" stage is, I think it is a precursor to the possibility of true love. Experts say this romantic stage lasts at the most 2 years. Then what? What happens when those butterflies are gone and the reality of the humanness and flaws of our partner begin to appear?

Then we get to choose whether we want to truly love this person or not. True love is intentional. It is a choice we consciously make. To love another human being, despite their "issues", to want and to do everything in our power to help and support that person and to allow them to grow. Are you getting the idea? True love is not for the faint of heart or the uncommitted, "I'm outta here" when the going gets tough. True love is for mature people who know that love is worth the effort, the expense, and yes, even the heartache.

For a great definition of what love is, check out 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. "Love is patient, love is kind, love is not self-seeking, love keeps no record of wrongs". This is what true love looks like in action. What kind of love are you expressing these days, dear one?

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