Jesus said "I came so that you can have life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10). What does this verse mean to you? I think most of us have realized by now that material possessions and more "stuff" will not bring us the fulfillment our soul craves. Money is great and takes care of many of our earthly problems, but it is not the answer to the cry deep within our souls. What happens when a relationship ends? You lose your job? You encounter a health problem? You make a poor decision? What then?
My Definition
I think of the abundant life as this: a life full of joy, provision, inner peace, harmonious relationships, good health, and personal fulfillment and not necessarily in that order. It's about having more of all of these in our lives, not just more money. Money can only do so much and besides, how many of the rich and famous are miserable and turn to drugs and alcohol for relief from their inner pain? One of the reasons I write this blog is for personal fulfillment and giving back as well as to encourage, educate, and inspire others.
The good news is there is a path to achieving this abundant life but it is probably not the path you would think. So today, I am going to share with you the three-step process that is promised to bring us the abundant life we desire.
We each have challenges. They may be different but each person, as they say, is fighting their own battles. The key to living the abundant life has less to do with our circumstances and more to do with our perspective on our circumstances.
If you've read my book, "The Power of Faith", you know I've been through quite a lot and, like many of you, I'm still going through some tough stuff. As I often told my mom, "It's always something, Mom. That's life. Get used to it." We have to adjust our expectations and our focus if we want to keep our peace.
If we think life is supposed to be a bed of roses, remember what Jesus said "In this world you will have troubles, but take heart for I have overcome the world," (John 16:33). Despite the seemingly never-ending onslaught of problems, it is possible to live a life of joy, hope, harmony, and abundance but we have to do our part to make it happen.
The Apostle Matthew exhorts us to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt 6:33). In other words, when we prioritize the spiritual over the material, God will take care of the material. Kind of puts a different spin on things, doesn't it?
Here are three keys I've learned that can put us on the road to the abundant life:
1. Do the right thing.
The first key to living an abundant life is to do the right thing in every area of your life. This means in our finances, our health, our relationships, on the job. We each have a conscience and we all know what the right thing to do is in most situations.
Every day we are faced with situations and decisions, and it is up to us to do what is right. The problem is we often fail to do it for one reason or another. We get sidetracked by our feelings and emotions, our egos, other people, temptations and distractions, laziness. The list goes on. Allowing these to control us will prevent us from making good decisions and living the abundant life we desire.
When we have a choice before us, one of the ways to determine the right thing is to do is to notice which path is harder. The right thing is usually the harder thing. When we do the right thing, it will lead us into peace in the long run.
Notice the phrase "in the long run". We have to take the long view when making decisions. When we act out of emotion, without really thinking things through, we often make poor decisions. Something might feel good in the heat of the moment because it feeds our ego, but what about the lasting effects of that decision? Take time to evaluate "the long run".
When I need wisdom and guidance, I turn to the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. Or I ask myself "Who in the Bible had a similiar situation and what did they do?" "La condition humaine" is still the same and people are still dealing with the same kinds of problems they did back in Jesus's day. I can't understand why some people think "the Bible is outdated". It is not. The principles of life and the problems of humanity are universal and timeless.
When I need wisdom and guidance, I turn to the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. Or I ask myself "Who in the Bible had a similiar situation and what did they do?" "La condition humaine" is still the same and people are still dealing with the same kinds of problems they did back in Jesus's day. I can't understand why some people think "the Bible is outdated". It is not. The principles of life and the problems of humanity are universal and timeless.
If we want to do the right thing, it would behoove us to ask God about it. His advice is reliable. Not everyone else's is. In fact, we can drive ourselves crazy asking everyone their opinion. When was the last time you asked God for his opinion on something?
2. Work towards peace and unity.
Peace is an integral key to the abundant life. There are a lot of things in this world that can steal our peace, if we let them. Relationships can steal our peace. Unfair treatment can steal our peace. Our own thoughts steal our peace.
What we often fail to realize is that Peace doesn't just happen on its own. We have to work towards it and it has to be a joint effort with those around us. This is what unity is all about. Everyone needs to be on the same page. We will never achieve peace by refusing to change, trying to blame or control others, digging our heels in, or isolating ourselves.
Personal Story
As a child of an alcoholic father, there was no peace in our home. I learned that chaos was the norm and so I allowed that into my marriage and my dating relationships after that. Recently I came to the sad realization that most of my family members don't care about working towards peace either but you know what - we can't control others. All we can control is ourselves. And that in and of itself brings peace.
One evening while I was soaking in the tub, the Holy Spirit said to me. "Whatever you bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you allow on earth, shall be allowed in Heaven." (Matt 18:18). It was a revelation! I needed to stop allowing other people's behavior to steal my peace if I wanted to live the abundant life. This is the importance of memorizing scripture, so that the Holy Spirit can bring it to our conscious awareness when we need it.
I have found that a major key to peace is to set firmer boundaries with others. If I am overwhelmed, I need to say no more often. If I am being treated poorly, I need to stop allowing it and confront the other person. If someone does me wrong, I need to put a stop to it immediately - not let it go on and on. In the past, I have made the mistake of allowing mistreatment from close relatives and boyfriends. This is both enabling and unhealthy. It sends the message "It's okay to treat her this way." when no , it is not. It does not matter who it is, we should not tolerate verbal or emotional abuse from anyone. If someone is not willing to treat you right, let them walk away and live in peace!
When we achieve peace in our hearts, and in our minds, then we will begin to experience that delicious feeling everyone is searching for - Joy!
3. Keep the joy flowing.
First let's be clear: joy is not the same thing as happiness. Happiness depends on our circumstances which may not always be pleasant, but we can still experience Joy. How?
First, we have to make sure we have done steps one and two. We are doing the right things which means keeping our consciences clear. We do not harbor bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness. Even then we don't always feel joyful. When we start to feel down, lonely, hopeless, frustrated etc, there is something we can do to feel joy when we remember that joy is a gift from God alone.
God wants us to have joy and he gave us a way to access that joy. It involves turning our focus from our circumstances and onto a holy, loving miracle-working God. No matter what has happened the day before, I start my day by singing and praising God. This is called WORSHIP.
Worship brings us into the presence of God who is the source of all joy. Worship lifts the heaviness that may be trying to take us down. Worship dispels darkness and brings in the light. It is a spiritual principle. I do not understand exactly how it works, but I do know it works. It may be the last thing we feel like doing, but when we praise God we get his attention and he sends his angels to assist us in our time of need.
When we choose to uplift the Creator of the universe, we lift our energy to a higher vibration if that language resonates with you. Expressing gratitude also raises our vibration. Praise and worship remind us that God is with us and that we are alive on this earth for a unique purpose. Hope is restored.
Despite the difficult circumstances we all have to endure, we can still have joy because we know and trust Who is really in control of our lives. God has a good plan for each of us and although the plot may twist and turn, we can trust that the ending will be good.
So there you have them: the three keys to living the abundant life. The kingdom of heaven is within. All we have to do is follow these three steps and most importantly - BELIEVE - that it is possible for each of us to enjoy the abundant life. After all, that is what Jesus died for us to have!
For Reflection
2. Work towards peace and unity.
Peace is an integral key to the abundant life. There are a lot of things in this world that can steal our peace, if we let them. Relationships can steal our peace. Unfair treatment can steal our peace. Our own thoughts steal our peace.
What we often fail to realize is that Peace doesn't just happen on its own. We have to work towards it and it has to be a joint effort with those around us. This is what unity is all about. Everyone needs to be on the same page. We will never achieve peace by refusing to change, trying to blame or control others, digging our heels in, or isolating ourselves.
Personal Story
As a child of an alcoholic father, there was no peace in our home. I learned that chaos was the norm and so I allowed that into my marriage and my dating relationships after that. Recently I came to the sad realization that most of my family members don't care about working towards peace either but you know what - we can't control others. All we can control is ourselves. And that in and of itself brings peace.
One evening while I was soaking in the tub, the Holy Spirit said to me. "Whatever you bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you allow on earth, shall be allowed in Heaven." (Matt 18:18). It was a revelation! I needed to stop allowing other people's behavior to steal my peace if I wanted to live the abundant life. This is the importance of memorizing scripture, so that the Holy Spirit can bring it to our conscious awareness when we need it.
I have found that a major key to peace is to set firmer boundaries with others. If I am overwhelmed, I need to say no more often. If I am being treated poorly, I need to stop allowing it and confront the other person. If someone does me wrong, I need to put a stop to it immediately - not let it go on and on. In the past, I have made the mistake of allowing mistreatment from close relatives and boyfriends. This is both enabling and unhealthy. It sends the message "It's okay to treat her this way." when no , it is not. It does not matter who it is, we should not tolerate verbal or emotional abuse from anyone. If someone is not willing to treat you right, let them walk away and live in peace!
When we achieve peace in our hearts, and in our minds, then we will begin to experience that delicious feeling everyone is searching for - Joy!
3. Keep the joy flowing.
First let's be clear: joy is not the same thing as happiness. Happiness depends on our circumstances which may not always be pleasant, but we can still experience Joy. How?
First, we have to make sure we have done steps one and two. We are doing the right things which means keeping our consciences clear. We do not harbor bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness. Even then we don't always feel joyful. When we start to feel down, lonely, hopeless, frustrated etc, there is something we can do to feel joy when we remember that joy is a gift from God alone.
God wants us to have joy and he gave us a way to access that joy. It involves turning our focus from our circumstances and onto a holy, loving miracle-working God. No matter what has happened the day before, I start my day by singing and praising God. This is called WORSHIP.
Worship brings us into the presence of God who is the source of all joy. Worship lifts the heaviness that may be trying to take us down. Worship dispels darkness and brings in the light. It is a spiritual principle. I do not understand exactly how it works, but I do know it works. It may be the last thing we feel like doing, but when we praise God we get his attention and he sends his angels to assist us in our time of need.
When we choose to uplift the Creator of the universe, we lift our energy to a higher vibration if that language resonates with you. Expressing gratitude also raises our vibration. Praise and worship remind us that God is with us and that we are alive on this earth for a unique purpose. Hope is restored.
Despite the difficult circumstances we all have to endure, we can still have joy because we know and trust Who is really in control of our lives. God has a good plan for each of us and although the plot may twist and turn, we can trust that the ending will be good.
For Reflection
Where would you like to see more abundance? Your job? Your finances? Your relationships? Start by doing the right thing, even when the wrong thing is easier. Choose peace over strife and finally start giving God praise for all your blessings and watch the abundance flow in.
If you enjoyed this post and would like to join our blog community plus receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "How to Develop a Spiritual Practice", enter your email in the box provided. Feel free to share with a friend and leave a comment below. I love to hear from you and appreciate you taking time to read and comment.
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
This material is copy-righted.
If you enjoyed this post and would like to join our blog community plus receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "How to Develop a Spiritual Practice", enter your email in the box provided. Feel free to share with a friend and leave a comment below. I love to hear from you and appreciate you taking time to read and comment.
If you'd like to learn more about how to find the abundant life, check out my true story of how I went from stress and anxiety to peace and joy. "The Power of Faith: a journey to healing, wholeness, and harmony." Ebook format available on Amazon and your favorite online bookseller as well as hard and paper-back copies.
Stay tuned for more tips to help us all find more peace and joy this season!
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
This material is copy-righted.
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