The Brain's Negativity Bias
Did you know our brains have a bias for negativity? Which means it naturally gives more attention to negative thoughts. Which means we have to make a conscious effort to keep a positive mental attitude. This is another area where mindfulness can serve us. For a better understanding of how the brain works, some examples of negative bias, and some interesting TEDTalks, check out this link.
Your Ideas
How do you stay positive and joyful ? Let me know your ideas in the comments below.
To get us going, here are 4 tips to help you develop an attitude of gratitude:
1. Appreciate the Every Day Stuff
Often we take for granted so many things like being able to go out to dinner with friends or family, our water supply, full grocery aisles, our sight, our health, our bodies, even our jobs. My hope is that the pandemic helped us all become more grateful for the every day stuff we usually take for granted.
I did a guided gratitude meditation this morning and it was so uplifting. The leader reminded us to be grateful for our food and the people who grow it, for our grocery stores, for all the people who work to support us in life.
I am thankful that the sun was shining through my windows when I woke up this morning. I am thankful my body is feeling good enough to do some exercises. I am thankful I am able to write these blog posts so I can be of service to others.
I am thankful for the ability to cook and make nice meals. (Shameless plug for my new Mediterranean cookbook :) I am thankful I could afford a haircut last week and that my gal had a cancellation so she could fit me in. I am thankful my son and my mom remembered by birthday and helped me celebrate it even though they are out of state.
How About You?
What everyday things are you thankful for? By taking note of them on a daily basis, we train our brains and our neural pathways slowly but surely to dwell more on our blessings instead of our woes. A positive focus also helps alleviate anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Remember - what you focus on gets magnified.
2. Start a Gratitude Tradition
There are many ways to become more conscious of our blessings. One is gratitude traditions.
A tradition I started at my house many years ago was to put out a small basket with a pad of paper and a pen next to it on the first of November. The basket is known as the "Blessing Basket". Each day in the month of November, each member of the household and whoever comes into my home that day is asked to write down one thing for which they are grateful for and put it in the basket. I like to see how people have to stop and think before they find something to write down.
It can be anything, but the idea is to become more aware of the many blessings we each have on a daily basis. Then on Thanksgiving Day, we read all the slips of paper. They are anonymous of course, but it makes us realize how truly we are blessed despite the challenges we are all going through.
In our house, there are always one or two blessings that make everyone laugh. One year, my youngest son wrote "I am thankful for pressure or I wouldn't get anything done." Now there's a different perspective.
3. Appreciate Others
Everyone wants to be appreciated and valued. Too often we take people for granted - our parents, our spouse, our friends, the people who serve us. Take time to tell someone how much you appreciate them today. Make someone feel valued. Thank people for the little things. When we are thankful, we show God we appreciate the blessings and people we have been given and we open the door for more abundance to flow through us.
A simple complement may turn someone's day around. We never know what people are going through. I make a habit of complementing men on their ties or shirt. I notice when someone has been working out or got a new haircut. I complement women on their hair, their outfit, their nails. I thank the customer service rep no matter if they have been helpful or not. I try to give a bigger tip than is required. When I see a smile on someone's face, I know I have been successful in lifting them up and that increases not only their joy level, but mine as well.
My latest thing is to not leave someone upset or down. This is not an easy thing to do especially when they or a situation has caused me a lot of aggravation but what good is it to leave someone on a bad note? If the conversation goes south or if I have to bring up a sensitive subject, I try to add an upnote by thanking them, making a joke, or somehow turning to a more positive topic. I get off the phone feeling good about myself as a human being who has not caused another human being to suffer.
4. Recognize Your Blessings
It's easy to take people and things for granted. We get used to having them around, having food in the grocery store aisles, being free to travel, but when a crisis such as the pandemic or some other crisis hits, it gets our attention. As in the case of the pandemic, we no longer had the ability or the freedom to get together with family, travel, or find full grocery aisles. Let's not forget the lesson that crisis taught us.
4. Recognize Your Blessings
It's easy to take people and things for granted. We get used to having them around, having food in the grocery store aisles, being free to travel, but when a crisis such as the pandemic or some other crisis hits, it gets our attention. As in the case of the pandemic, we no longer had the ability or the freedom to get together with family, travel, or find full grocery aisles. Let's not forget the lesson that crisis taught us.
These days we are fighting inflation and speaking of groceries, everything has gone up, including gas, eggs, rent, and the price of a haircut. Life has its challenges, that is for sure and it is up to us to decide what we will focus on - the positives or the negatives. If we want to remain joyful, we will choose the former.
Personal Story
My mom, bless her soul, broke her hip in 2018 and she has had a tough time ever since. I can't even imagine not being able to walk, but I try to encourage her and point out the positive things in her life. Like the fact that she has me to help her handle her issues and her finances. She doesn't have any chronic conditions like diabetes or cancer. We just moved her to assisted living last week and she has been happy particularly because she likes the food. Folks, be thankful for the simple things in life.
It is a choice we have every moment of every day. Abraham Lincoln once said "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Most of all, I am thankful for the love, grace, and constant mercy of God. He has brought me through so much and so I am devoting the rest of my life to sharing that love, grace, and mercy with you through this blog and writing books.
For Reflection
If you want to feel more joy on a daily basis, here are some tips to help you get started. Every night before going to bed, name 3 things you are grateful for. I say them out loud or write them in my journal. Gratitude increases your energy and your joy so start and end each day by giving thanks for something or someone in your life.
If you want to feel more joy on a daily basis, here are some tips to help you get started. Every night before going to bed, name 3 things you are grateful for. I say them out loud or write them in my journal. Gratitude increases your energy and your joy so start and end each day by giving thanks for something or someone in your life.
When we learn to develop an "attitude of gratitude", our outlook on life changes and we are better able to handle the difficult circumstances of life when they arise. This is why the Apostle Paul encourages us "In all things, give thanks" (1 Thess 5:18). There is always a silver lining to life's challenges.
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Until next time, remember: you are blessed to be a blessing.
As always,
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
This material is copyrighted.
Ariel Paz
This material is copyrighted.
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