Monday, November 18, 2024

10 Tips to Prevent Getting Sick This Season

It's that time of year. The weather is turning cooler and folks start sneezing and hacking. Do you seem to catch whatever bug is going around? Chronic conditions hit you every year? Being sick is no fun. It makes us grouchy and hard to get along with and besides, we miss out on life. Every year I learn more about staying healthy. Especially with the Covid virus and all the variants circulating, it is more important than ever to make good health habits a priority.  So today I'm sharing some of my favorite stay-healthy tips to keep our immune systems strong and keep the germs at bay. 

Do leave a comment and share your favorite stay-healthy tips with all of us, too.

1. Get more sleep. 
From time to time I hear people say "I can sleep when I die," but if we don't get enough sleep that might come sooner than we'd like. Scientists are learning more and more about the importance of quality sleep and all it does for our health, immune system, and restoration of our bodies at night. 

With the holidays, parties & family celebrations, plus end of year work responsibilities, it's easy to get run down and exhausted. Sufficient and quality sleep is vital for restoring our bodily systems and keeping our immune system in fighting order. Don't resist the urge to catch a cat nap. Your body is telling you something. Napping is good for the heart and the brain. Just realized today why they call it "cat naps". Ever watch your cat? 

"If you're tired when you wake up in the morning, or fall asleep watching the evening news, you're not getting enough sleep, or maybe not enough quality sleep. Either way, your immunity is probably compromised. Poor sleep is associated with lower immune system function and reduced numbers of killer cells that fight germs. Killer cells are also the part of the immune system that combats cells that divide too rapidly, as they do in cancer. Lower their numbers and you may be at greater risk for illness." (Prevention, Mazo, Dec.2, 2011)

2. Drink plenty of water
Water oxygenates the blood and flushes out toxins. It also helps the production of lymph which help circulate those infection-fighting white blood cells as well as nutrients. Being dehydrated can bring on migraines and headaches. It also results in dry skin. So drink up, folks. I have a sticky note that says "Drink water" and have a tall bubbly pink glass just for my water. For more benefits of water on the immune system, check out this article. 

3. Use a neti pot daily. 

A neti pot is used to cleanse the sinuses and, as we all know, the sinuses can get congested very easily, especially in the winter. The cilia in the nasal passages catch all sorts of bacteria to protect the entry to the inner parts of the sinuses so it is important to rinse the nasal passages daily to prevent buildup and decongest the sinus passages. I like to use mine in the mornings as I am usually stuffy when I wake up. It is such a great feeling to breathe clearly. 

If you get sinus infections, headaches, or migraines, consider purchasing a neti pot this season. In case you don't know what a neti pot is, check one out here . I have seen them at Walmart and Walgreen's as well as natural health food stores. Don't overpay. This is a great price. 

4. Eat your vitamin C.

I prefer to eat as many of my vitamins as I can. Oranges, grapefruit, and clementines contain large amounts of anti-oxidant vitamin C as do brightly colored peppers. If you don't like citrus, grab yourself a bottle of time-released vitamin C capsules that will dissolve over time and nourish your immune system.

Having memory issues? Vitamin C can help with that too. It is also great for the skin and boosts collagen production, ladies. No wonder I crave citrus in the winter. 

5. Step up the zinc.

Zinc helps strengthen the immune system also. Deficiency is linked to increased inflammation. It may also help treat acne, prevent osteoporosis, and prevent pneumonia. The best sources are animal meats, beans, seafood, beans, nuts and whole grain cereals. If you eat a restricted diet, consider supplementation but please don't overdo it. A maximum daily dose is around 40 mg. 

6. Wash your hands often and keep them off your face and eyes. 
Funny, I wrote this post pre-covid and the advice still holds. At the office, in the gym, the grocery store, the elevator, you come into contact with germs and bacteria.  I carry a small bottle of liquid hand sanitizer gel in my purse and in my car. It's also a good idea to keep your hands off your face and out of your eyes. Germs and bacteria spread through touch so it's easy to infect oneself. Wash your hands often and as soon as you come home from being out in public. 

7. Disinfect the house regularly.

Okay, so I'm a Lysol gal, I admit it. I know it's probably loaded with chemicals but hey, it does the job and it beats getting sick. The germs are getting stronger and more resistant these days and I don't know any natural products that do as good a job at killing those pesky microbes. Spray the doorknobs, the fridge doors, the light switches as these all get touched often. If you can't stand the idea of Lysol, try making your own tea tree spray

8. Watch the sugars.

You might not know that sugar lowers the immune system. There's a good reason people get sick post-holiday season - too much sugar at the holidays.  Here's a good explanation of how sugar competes with vitamin C for white blood cell absorption. So all those cookies, candy and sweets that abound during the holidays besides putting weight on, also make us more susceptible to catching a nasty winter cold or flu bug. Enjoy the holiday season, but be sure to increase your vitamin C along and watch your sugar intake.

9. Stay warm. 

Perhaps you've heard your grandma or your mom tell you to "put more clothes on" or you'll catch cold. I always thought that was an old wives tale till this past winter, when I caught a winter cold. Yup, stuffy nose, sneezing, fatigue, and general malaise. So I googled it and guess what? Being cold lowers the immune system which makes us more susceptible to getting sick. There is something to be said for dressing warmly in the cold, damp winter months. Regardless of what the gas and electric company says, I raised my thermostat one degree to take off the chill. 

10. Isolate. 
Nobody enjoys being sick, and no one else enjoys being around someone who is sick. So as as public service message, if you are sick or have a cough or cold, stay home or at the very least - mask up!  I begged off my tango class and a luncheon with my best friend because I was having symptoms as much as I hated to miss both. You're not doing anyone any favors by toughing it out and spreading your germs around. You are contagious for a lot longer than you feel badly. Be considerate of your friends and coworkers. 

When I worked in an office, every year for several years my next door cube mate would come into the office coughing and hacking and spreading germs all over the place. Inevitably, I would catch her cold. I tried bringing in a can of Lysol and spraying it to get her to take the hint. Finally, I said to her one day "You know, we can work from home when we're sick instead of coming into the office and spreading the germs,". She looked at me like "Wow, now there's an idea I hadn't thought of."

Okay, friends, these are my 10 tips for staying healthy this winter. If you do get sick, don't beat yourself up about it. We are human. Drink plenty of liquids, hot tea, chicken broth, and give your body and mind the rest they deserve and need. Rest and read a good uplifting book. Like one of mine. Shameless self-plug. Take good care of your body and it will take good care of you.

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Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom to help you ignite the power within and discover YOUR DESTINY!

In the meantime, stay well and keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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