Monday, September 16, 2024

How to Find Peace in Anxious Times

There is a lot going on in this world of ours that can steal our peace. Just turn on the nightly news. Drive in rush hour traffic. Deal with unruly kids. We can lose our peace in an instant and that is why a daily spiritual practice is so very important. Find a time to get quiet and be by yourself and then ask yourself this question:

"Am I at peace right now?"

Pause and listen for that still small voice in the depths of your soul. What did it say? 


Lesson Learned 
I have learned that Peace is our most precious possession if we want to live a happy, joyful and healthy life. It is actually a spiritual gift yet often, we let life, relationships, and busyness steal it. We put pressure on ourselves to go go go, do do do, buy buy buy, work, work, work - none of which result in the peace our souls long for. Today I want to help you make Peace more of a priority in your life. 

Personal Story 
When I was married and in a dysfunctional, abusive relationship, I knew in my heart of hearts, I was not at peace. We had two kids, two cars, two houses, two incomes, but I was not at peace - and I knew it. Something had to change if I was to have peace and that meant I had to change. I realized I needed to set firmer boundaries with my spouse. Sadly, being a narcissist, he couldn't handle it and the marriage eventually ended. He was used to treating me abusively since I was codependent and thought he did not need to change. I lost a relationship but gained peace and it was so worth it. 

Places We Look 
Many are seeking peace in a multitude of places and through a variety of means. Some try to find peace by amassing wealth or attaining a certain status only to find out wealth can vanish in the blink of an eye when the stock market drops. Who and what is popular today can be unpopular tomorrow. The world is just as fickle today as it was in Jesus' time. 

Others try to find peace by medicating themselves with food, drink, drugs, fashion, material possessions and endless activity that will never give us the lasting peace our soul craves. These provide temporary satisfaction at best and, in excess, do more harm than good. 

Others try the spiritual route. They try meditation, relaxation techniques, mindfulness, yoga and the like. Now I am all for stilling the body and the mind,
but these, too, are only temporary, as practitioners well know. How many times have you or I gone for a massage, to an exercise or yoga class, or to a church service and then, a few hours later the feeling of peace is ruined by an aggravating phone call or thoughtless comment? It takes constant diligence to remain at peace when we try to achieve it on our own. So what exactly is True Peace and where do we find it?

What is True peace
True peace is knowing that we are in the hands of a loving and gracious God. That truth is the solid rock that keeps us grounded. No matter what happens or how bad things may seem, as author and spiritual guru, Gabrielle Bernstein, puts it, God has our back. He is still on the throne and he is still in control. Even though it may not look like it in the moment, he is working ALL things out for our good. Yes, all. Not some - ALL. Remember that.  

Every trial is a test meant to move us forward into our destiny and in our spiritual growth and when the test is over and we have passed it by learning the lesson, we will look back with thanks and gratitude for what it taught us. Trust me on this. 

True peace is steady. 
Sure we may waffle for a bit, just as Peter did when Jesus told him to step out of the boat, but eventually we will waffle less and trust more. Peace is an inner calmness that comes from trusting in a Holy and loving God and in his son, Jesus Christ, the Anointed One. 

On the outside we may be buffetted by people and circumstances. We may get angry, concerned, frustrated, but deep within our souls, we are at peace. True peace is an anchor we can hold onto during the inevitable storms of life. We may doubt and become anxious when the challenges of life muddy the waters, but as soon as we connect with Jesus, the waters still. I love the verse "Be still and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10). The storms will pass. Sometimes all we need to do is be still and let go of the reins of control. 

Where True Peace is Found
Perhaps like me, you've tried to find peace in different places. Peace was not in yoga class. Nor in church. Nor in food, sweets, or chocolate. Nor in any of the ex-boyfriends for that matter. When everything around me is in chaos and the ground is shaking beneath me,  I hold onto the one person who is faithful, steady, and ever-present. The one person whose promises I can depend on. I hold on to Jesus.

True peace is a fruit of the Spirit. As you know, fruit begins with a small seed. As it is watered and nourished, it grows into luscious fruit. In the same way, peace is a fruit of the Spirit that grows over time as we experience more and more of the Lord's faithfulness and love. Those of us who have been through the fires of hell know God more intimately. We have met Jesus and we have seen the power of the Holy Spirit work in our lives and in the lives of our loved ones.

Now if you don't know Jesus, you may not understand about the Holy Spirit. Here's how it works. When we accept the love of Christ into our hearts, God sends his Holy Spirit to unite with our spirit to give us a supernatural connection and power. See Romans chapter 8 for more on this. I encourage you to let Christ into your heart today so you can receive this supernatural, empowering gift. 

Facing the Storms of Life 
When the storms of life threaten to capsize your ship, remember what Jesus said: "Peace I leave with you. My peace I bring to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27). The peace of Jesus is far more powerful than the peace that is offered by anything else in this world. It is a supernatural peace that only Jesus can give.

When the disciples were in a tizzy on the sea of Galilee and the winds and the rain pounded their tiny boat, what did Jesus say to them? "Oh ye of little faith,". In other words, Jesus was right there in the ship with them and yet they were afraid when they had no need to be. Who or what are you placing your faith in today?

Going Thru Storms 
Storms serve a purpose. They are to help us grow our spiritual muscle so that when the next storm comes, we won't be as rattled by the winds and the waves. Whatever you are going through, remember Jesus is right there in the ship with you. Jesus promised "I will never leave you or forsake you." (Heb 13:5). We can count on the promises of  God. Unlike people, He never goes back on His word. 

Whatever storm we are going through, Jesus promises to navigate us through it and bring us out of it. I know, because, I have been through many storms - hurricanes really - and I'm still standing. You can read about them in my true story memoir, "The Power of Faith: a journey to healing, wholeness, and harmony".  It's a short but powerful and inspiring read. The goal is to stand firm during the storms, trusting that our Lord cares for us and that we will emerge victorious and stronger after it passes. 

For Reflection
What storm are you going through, friend? Relationship issues? Financial problems? Health problems? Whatever it is, do not let it steal your peace. Keep your heart and mind set on Jesus and stay in peace. Trust God to be your strength, your strong tower, your protector. I encourage you to read Psalm 34. 

If this post was helpful consider joining our community to receive my weekly posts, enter your email address in the box provided. I'll also send you out a copy of my free e-guide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

Other Offerings 
I have a ton of offerings for you to take advantage of. Check out my collection of spiritual tips, recipes, fashion, health, healing and wellness, and much more on Pinterest. 

If this post resonated with you, you may enjoy my newest book, "Ignite the Power Within: 10 Steps to Supercharge Your Spiritual Growth". In it, I share the ten steps I have found to spiritual growth that will give you more power, more purpose, more connection and more JOY!

Find it on AmazonBarnes and Noble & Apple Books or place a discounted order with me by sending 4.99 via Zelle to 

And if you love to cook, like I do, order your copy of my new cookbook, "Mediterranean Mom's Family Favorites". Over 150 pages of deliciousness and most recipes are made in 30 min or less. Digital copy available for $24.99. Use my email address to order thru Zelle or $26.99 thru Paypal.

Stay tuned for more practical and spiritual wisdom to help you ignite the power within!

Until next time, shalom and keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 


  1. Excellent excellent post this morning on maintaining one's sense of peace during the holidays and well beyond. Fixing your eyes firmly on Jesus is key and sometimes we have to be reminded of that. Thank you Ariel for always sending out encouragement and tips for living a more powerful spiritual life.

    1. Thank you, Barbie. Glad you found it helpful. We all need reminders. Merry Christmas to all of you!
