Journey to Faith

Journey to Faith
Follow your own path

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Overcoming Tribulations

Today is Holy Thursday and my week has been hectic so far. As I go about my business thinking about all the things that have to be done since I got back from vacation, the pressures of work and life, to be honest, I am feeling tired from it all.

But then I think about Jesus. What might he have been doing on this day so many years ago? What thoughts filled his mind? He knew what the next few days had in store for him and I can't even begin to imagine how he must have felt. Pressured? Stressed? Tired? Angry? Or not...

My trials and tribulations are nothing compared to His and this helps me to put mine in perspective. Yet, my Father in Heaven cares for me just as much as He cared for Jesus. We were never promised a rose garden in this life. Jesus said "In this life you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome."

The miracle that Jesus gave us is that no matter what we are going through in life, we can rely on His strength, His power, and His Grace to get us through it; that is the miracle of the Resurrection. Somehow by coming to the end of ourselves and realizing we cannot accomplish everything on our own and that we need Jesus, we are reborn and made new.

For me is is an iterative process. I am constantly dying to old habits and old ways of thinking and being remade by God's grace and mercy. What about you, dear one? Are the tribulations of life wearing you down? If so, why not give your burdens to Jesus? Let Him carry them and show you the way. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by me."

"Come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." It is a promise for all of us this Easter season. Will you take Him up on it?

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