1. Slow Down and Regroup
Now I know this seems contrary to what our normal tendency is, but when things get overwhelming, and we keep pushing, there is an increased chance of a mishap. Slowing down gives us time to think about what is really the most important. To reprioritize. I bet the folks in California are reprioritizing right now. My top priority is "keeping my peace."
"But I can't slow down. There's too much to do." you may say. Let me tell you this. If we don't slow down, the powers that be will slow us down; we'll get sick, get a flat tire, have an accident. We are not meant to run on overdrive, especially when added factors like cold, bitter weather are added in to the mix, adding more stress to everyday life.
2. Put Yourself First
As a woman, I know women tend to put other people first most of the time. But the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to take care of myself first. I ask myself these questions:
- What do I need now?
- How do I feel now?
- Do I need to take a break now?
- Do I really need to deal with this now?
Don't pressure yourself to go, go, go, do, do, do. After 30+ years in the workforce, I have a sticky note that says "Take the pressure off." Much of the time, we put the pressure on ourselves and it is unhealthy. We are human beings, not human doings. If you're a guy reading this, encourage the woman in your life to take care of herself. Give her a massage. Take the kids out for the day. She'll appreciate it so much.
3. Take a Few Deep Breaths
When life is pressing in on you, step back and take a deep breath. Take a few in fact. Slowing down our breathing helps slow down our minds. It calms our heart rate. We gain clarity. We get off the rat wheel mentally.
4. Give it to God
4. Give it to God
Often, we try to control the uncontrollable. The fires in California are UNCONTROLLABLE. Our relatives and family members are UNCONTROLLABLE.
Basically, the only person we have control over is ourselves, and even that is a challenge.
One of my favorite verses from the Bible is Philipians 4:6 which says "Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in all things with prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God and He will give you peace that surpasses all understanding."
Faith is believing that God is on our side and that he is working all things ultimately for our good although it may not seem like it at the time. God does have a plan and a purpose for these trials, just as he did with Job. God is still in control and he is the one who allows these things to happen. Our job is to discern the lessons he is trying to teach us in the process. Otherwise we are doomed to repeat the same sorry situations.
For Reflection
So, dear friends, take heart. Be encouraged. If your situation is particularly challenging, ask the Lord what he may be trying to tell you and what actions you need to take. My favorite verse these days is Romans 8:31 which says, "If God is for us, who can stand against us?" And the answer is no one and nothing. What do you need to turn over to Him today?
Stay tuned for more on how to ignite the power within, keep your peace, and discover YOUR destiny!
Until next time,
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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