Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fun With Favor

Everybody likes to have fun, yes? Working for the weekend, you know. What's your idea of a good time? Getting together with friends? Attending a football game or concert? Or perhaps participating in your favorite sport or hobby? There are so many ways to have fun, but have you ever thought about what makes the difference between a good time and a great time? The answer is this: the favor of God.

Now, you may or may not be familiar with this phrase so keep reading. According to my beloved pastor George, if we have our priorities straight, and I so agree with him, God will grant us fun with FAVOR. Let me share a recent example so you get the idea.

Last week was Valentine's Day, right? And, being a single lady in this couples world, I refuse to let the holiday go by without celebrating. So I made plans with a girlfriend to go out to dinner in Little Italy, a quaint section of Baltimore, famous for its atmosphere and good restaurants. I enjoy getting dressed up and going to a nice restaurant every so often and she was up for the adventure.

What an adventure it was too. Now I'm not keen on driving in the city, especially on a Saturday night and a holiday weekend, but her car headlight was out so I agreed to drive. As I was about to make the left turn onto Eastern Avenue, I began praying for a parking space. Yes, the Lord does care about these mundane things.

"Lord, please give us a spot close to the restaurant so we don't have to walk far in this cold," I said aloud. As I turned onto Eastern Avenue, what do I see but a space on the right side of the road!

"I think I can fit in here," I said to my friend, Janis as I maneuvered into the spot.

"Wow, you know how to parallel park," Janis commented.

We got out of the car & checked the parking sign. "I think we're good to go here. Thank you, Lord". Surveying our location, I realized the restaurant was on the street immediately to our left, only a few blocks down.

Sure enough, Ciao Bella was only a short walk away. We arrived on time. The host steered us to a cozy table for two right in front of the main window. "This is the best seat in the house," I said to Janis as I settled into my chair.

"You're right," Janis agreed. That was two gifts of favor and the evening had barely begun.

"So have you been here before?" Janis asked.
"Yes, once - years ago. And I had the best chicken with crabmeat and sun-dried tomatoes dish," I recalled.

As I perused the menu, I didn't see the chicken dish anywhere. Well, they must have changed the menu.

The waiter soon approached and began telling us the specials of the day. "And we have chicken Annabelle: a chicken breast, topped with lump crabmeat in a sundried tomato sauce." Janis and I looked at each other. That was favor #3.

The meal was delicious, the wine exceptional, and I had a Groupon to cover much of the cost. After dinner, we decided to stop by Vaccaro's for a hot coffee. As we sipped on our hot Mochaccinos, the warmth of the sweet liquid felt so good against the brisk night air. "What a great time!" Janis bubbled on the way home.

"Yes, indeed it was," I agreed.

And that, my friends, is fun with favor.

So, are you experiencing fun with favor in your life? If not, there may be something you can do about it and it all starts with having faith in God. It really is a simple process and there is nothing to be afraid of. God truly loves each of us as his own special Valentine. Until next time, put your trust in Jesus and remember to keep looking up!

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