Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ignite the Power Within Step 5: How to Tell If You're Making the Right Decision

Most of us like the word "yes", don't we? I know I do. When someone asks me to do something I really want to do or I find something I really love, my immediate response is an emphatic "YES"! I am passionate about it. There is no hesitation, no doubt, no waffling. Joyful anticipation is a sign we are making the right decision.

A friend of mine was recently considering buying a certain car. As she relayed the pertinent facts, figures, and safety features, I noticed there was no enthusiasm in her voice.
"You really don't sound too excited about this car," I said. "Do you really want to buy it?"
"No, I don't think so," she admitted.
A few days later, she called me up all excited about another car she found and bought that one instead. She has been a happy camper ever since.

Here's another example. Let's take the shoe shopping experience. I'd venture to say that shoe shopping is difficult for most of us.  Either I can't find my size, the right color, they cost too much or they don't fit quite right. Bummer! And so frustrating. But when I finally find just the right pair of shoes -  good color, comfortable, and on sale, - YES!!!!! I get so excited. It borders on euphoria at times.

We know we are making the right choice when we not only have peace about our decision, but we also have joy about it too. When God wants to give us something or get us going in a new direction, we will be filled with excitement, enthusiasm, and hope. We wake up in the morning energized and motivated. This is how we know we are living in the will of God. Just as good parents want to guide their children and give them good things, so it is with God. He enjoys blessing us and he wants to see his children prosper.

But we must be careful. Sometimes we are excited at first because of the idea of something: the new guy, the new car, the shiny whatever. It is foolish to jump into a situation without giving it some careful analysis and prayer. We love new cars, but don't go rushing off to buy that Lexus without giving it some serious thought such as how you are going to afford those monthly payments.

There will be bumps along the way. The bumps are checkpoints for us to check in with God to make sure we are on the right path and ask for confirmation of our direction. An example I like to share is when I was trying to sell my house years ago and one deal after another fell through. I felt like I was supposed to sell it but started having doubts when the contracts weren't working out. So I went to God in prayer, and he confirmed what I was supposed to do in a most astonishing way. If you want to read more about this, check out my book, "The Power of Faith". 

Making good decisions has to do with listening to that still small voice inside of us. When we are connected to God, we can trust He is guiding us in every decision big or small. When we leave God out of the equation, we usually make the wrong choices. I know from personal experience.

Hearing from God and making better decisions is possible and we get better with practice. If you enjoyed this post, please click the +1 icon and share with your friends Many people would love to know how to hear from God and make better decisions.

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Stay tuned for more on igniting the power within and until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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