Everybody seems to be talking about abundance these days. It's natural to want to see more good things in our lives. What is it you want to see more of? More money? More fun? Better relationships? More peace? These are all good things and today we are going to talk about the 3 steps to help us see more of these in our lives.
As a single divorced mom, I lived from paycheck to paycheck. We went out to dinner only on occasion. My kids never had the latest and coolest clothes or toys. We lived in a older townhome and I drove my cars until they died. I was stressed, anxious, and pressured much of the time. Until....I found Jesus. Yup, Jesus was the key that unlocked the door to a better life: a life of joy, freedom, hope, and most importantly, a life of faith.
Today, some 20 years later, life is much different. I am more relaxed, have more confidence, and am blessed beyond belief in every area of my life. I have seen miracles in my health, my relationships, and my finances. They have all turned around. Perhaps you would like to see things turn around in your life. Well, today I am going to share with you the first of 3 key principles that can make that happen for you, too. I hope you are as excited as I am to learn them.
First, we must understand one thing : ALL GOOD THINGS COME FROM GOD. Not "the universe". God is the creator of the universe. Not from our own strength and skill, although we do have a part to play in seeing our dreams come true. Not from merely wishing for good things. Nope. Every blessing and every good thing in our lives ultimately comes from God. He is the Source. He gave us life. He gave us smarts. He gave us skills. He gave us our bodies and our brains.
Now that we have that straight, let's jump into the first step to receiving the promises of God.
Step #1: Start expecting good things.
Many of us were brought up in a negative environment. Perhaps your parents lived through the Great Depression or the Holocaust. These events dramatically impacted the minds of people growing up in those years. Or there was a parent with an illness such as alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness. There are many circumstances that can cause us to have a negative mindset. Yet, we can change our thinking. If we want to see good things show up in our lives, we have to expect to see them show up. We have to realize we are children of God! We deserve good things to show up.
It's all about expectation. When we have low, just get by expectations, that is what we will receive. When we have better expectations, that is what we will receive too. Now I am talking about expectations for ourselves and from God, to be clear. We have to watch our expectations of others. When we have unrealistic expectations of others, we will often be let down.
Expectations have to do with the spiritual force called Hope. Without hope, we cannot set our expectations higher. Hope is a key ingredient to seeing our lives improve. Without it, we are doomed to settle in status quo and who wants that? We were meant to soar with wings like eagles.
So what have you been expecting recently? In what area of your life can you adjust your expectations? No matter what has happened in your past, today is a new day and you can change your tomorrow by changing your expectations.
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Stay tuned for the next two keys to receiving the promises of God. You won't want to miss them!
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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