Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Summer Break

Summer is here and  this year, in accordance with my philosophy of giving the mind and the body a break, I will be taking a sabbatical from blogging during the months of July and August. Writing these blog posts takes quite a lot of thought and effort, trying to pick topics of interest and appeal, making sure they are grammatically correct, selecting and creating images for the posts, dealing with all the issues with social media. It is quite the endeavor and I try to be faithful by posting twice a week.

While I'm on sabbatical from blogging, do visit my Facebook page @ArielPaz for practical and educational posts on the topics I write on. Looking for ideas and info? Stop by and visit my Pinterest boards for lots of info on health and wellness, aging, diet and recipes, gluten-free, exercise, tea, fashion, and much more.

Do enjoy these  summer months. Make time to do what makes you truly happy. It is good to take a break once in awhile to recoup, restore, and rethink our priorities and what figure out what makes us happy and fulfilled as well as what is bearing fruit in our lives. Get your house and your mind decluttered by getting rid of what is no longer serving you. Speaking of serving,

This fourth of July, let's all remember to celebrate and pray for those who are protecting our freedoms. Despite our problems, I am proud to be an American.

Thank you for being a follower and a reader of my blog. I consider you all friends. Above all, stay safe and take good care.

Until September, remember always to

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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