Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Why Did Jesus Die for Us?

Seems every time I turn around there's more bad news. Friday, for example, one friend finished her last chemo treatment. She shared about the death of the wife of a mutual friend of ours. On my walk, a neighbor pulled up to tell me she was having surgery for bladder & kidney cancer. Then another girlfriend called to say she was sick so was cancelling Easter activities, her husband had just lost his job and they have two small children to care for. Can you think of someone who is not hurting in some way? Who does not need healing, grace, or forgiveness? Would anyone reject a miracle touch from God?

What is your need?

Most people I know have a need. It may be a financial, physical, relational, or emotional need, but everyone has a need. We search for solutions in many places. Some seek solace in their jobs, others in food and drink. Still others busy themselves with activities, sports, or exercise. But at the end of the day, we come up empty-handed. Why? Because no one can provide the healing and the peace our souls long for. No one, that is, except Jesus. 

Who is this Jesus? 

Many have scoffed and scorned him, even so far as nailing him to a wooden cross. The scorn and contempt continues today, doesn't it? Jesus, they say, is a crutch for the weak. Or Jesus was just a good man, a prophet. But they deny his deity. If you look at all the other religious figures in history, they are all dead and buried in a grave someplace. Not Jesus. His tomb is empty. Could it be, perhaps, that Jesus, too, was misunderstood? His mission was not to become a king or a conqueror as we think of in human terms. His mission was to redeem mankind, like sheep who have strayed, and reconcile us to the Father. "For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10).

Jesus came to redeem and rebuild lives. He came not just to show us who God is, but to show us the way to Him. He shed his blood so that we may have free access to God, the Father. We do not need to go through a priest or a guru or anybody else, for that matter. We can come - boldly - to the throne of Grace through our belief in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to empower us; this is what the Resurrection is all about. Overcoming. New Life and victory over sin and death. 

Comprehending Holiness

Yet, until we comprehend the holiness of God we cannot fathom the depth of what Jesus did for us on the cross. This is not meant to put anyone on a guilt trip, for 'there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1) but God cannot coexist with sin and we have all sinned. Jesus opened the path to God for us by shedding his blood in atonement for our sin. Let that sink in a moment. Picture Jesus on the cross. Feel the nails piercing his hands and feet. He endured all that because of God's great love for YOU! 

Did you know that Jesus accepts us just as we are? He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY and isn't that what each of us is really looking for? To be loved and accepted unconditionally by another? The answer we are looking for can be found at the foot of the cross. By this great act of love, our deepest need is met: to feel loved, accepted, forgiven, and connected. Will you draw near? Will you put your faith in the One who loves you so much he shed his blood for you?

I hope this post was encouraging and uplifting. If you would like to join our community and receive my weekly posts, enter your email in the box provided. You will also receive my free eguide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

Until next time, my prayer is that the light and love of Christ will shine into your heart and you will know how truly loved you are this Easter. Happy Resurrection and here's to new life and victory!

Ariel Paz 

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