Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Part 2: How to Live a Life Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Do you need more boldness? Have trouble speaking up or making decisions? Made poor relationship choices? If so, then this week's post is for you. Last week we talked about who the Holy Spirit is and this week I'm sharing on what the Holy Spirit does for us, which is a lot. 


As you may recall from last week's post, Jesus told his disciples that when he ascends to Heaven, he would send the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, Jesus breathed on the disciples and said "Receive the Holy Spirit," (John 20:22) and they were filled with power and boldness. Up till then, they had been timid and fearful. Now they had the Holy Spirit which enabled them to go out and spread the Gospel, face numerous challenges, and even give their lives for Christ. 

He is also called The Counselor, The Comforter, and the Spirit of Truth. This supernatural power empowers us as human beings to do the will of God, to forgive those who have hurt us, and the authority to speak up for what is right and to discern what is true. 

The Holy Spirit Empowers Us
We all know how tough life can be. Frankly, I don't know how people survive without the power of God. The challenges of life can be overwhelming, but God gives us his Spirit to empower us and to guide us in the vicissitudes of life. The Holy Spirit gives us power and boldness to speak up and to stand up for ourselves, others, and for God. 

He enables us to forgive others. He pricks our conscience when we disobey God. He gives us direction and guidance. He helps us remember the word of God when we need it. He alerts us to physical and spiritual danger. He gives us authority. 

The Holy Spirit Guides Us
I was just telling a neighbor the other day about the divine guidance I am receiving about a tooth decision. God directs our path, often without us even realizing it. He sends us to people who can help us. When we become sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are able to discern which path to take and when it is time to make a decision and when it is time to wait or do further research. Learn more about decision making by reading these posts

The Holy Spirit Helps Us Become More Godly
There is a battle going on inside each of us. It is the battle between the flesh and the Spirit. The flesh (aka the ego) wants that which gratifies us in the moment or makes us feel superior to others. That extra piece of cake. That high paying job that steals our time with family and often our health. That feeling of being superior or always right. 

Spirit, on the other hand, wants that which will grow us up and help us to have more peace. To be kinder and more patient. To control our anger. To be humble and gentle. To seek unity instead of division. To understand one another rather than prove our point. 

For more on what the Holy Spirit does, read this article

For Reflection
As you see, the Holy Spirit can be quite powerful in our lives if we allow him to. Do you struggle with making the right decisions? Do you have trouble with anger, impatience, or self-control? Would you like to have the help of the Holy Spirit? 

Stay tuned for next week's post when we will talk more about what the Holy Spirit does for us and how to receive the Holy Spirit power into your life. 

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Thanks for reading, and stay tuned as we learn more on how to ignite the power within so you can take back your life and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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