Most of us are waiting for something. We are so used to instant gratification, waiting can seem like a waste of time but, in reality, waiting on God is a key ingredient to receiving God's best for our lives. Don't know about you, but that's what I'm holding out for.
Many of you know my God/car story #1; how, as a single parent, I waited for so many years for a new car and then, quite unexpectedly, my aunt offered to buy me one and it was the car of my dreams PLUS.
Well, now it's time to share God/car story #2.
My youngest has been urging me to buy a new car for several years now.
"I'm not ready yet," was my usual answer. This past January, however, I decided to start looking, just to see what was out there and what I liked. On a cold and blustery winter day, I boarded the light rail and headed downtown to the car show. To keep this short, I decided on three models I thought I was interested in.
Spring came and I decided to test drive the vehicles on the weekends. It was a fun but time-consuming experience. The salesmen were mostly nice except for the guy who thought I didn't know what VW stood for - but anyway. I had it down to two choices and was planning on waiting till next year to actually make the purchase.
But God. Don't you love it when God steps in? I sure do. Two Saturdays ago, I was praying about how much to spend for the car and a figure came to mind. The plan for the day was to visit two other dealerships, and check out some models I had not originally considered.
As I sat at the salesman's desk, the topic of my book came up.
Now I ask you - what are the chances of that? So then, he proceeds to present the pricing to me.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"Well, it's late and I haven't had lunch. I need to go home and think about it," I replied.
Knowing I was about to walk out, he calls the manager over. Now, you know how that works, don't you?
The manager looks me in the eye and says "If you buy this car today, I'll give it to you for $X".
Guess what? $X was the exact amount God had given me in prayer earlier that morning. I knew God was stepping in and telling me it was time to buy a car.
So, dear one, what is it that you have been waiting for? Don't give up. Stay in faith, keep in prayer, and listen for his answer. God is faithful and he is also very clear. Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
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Stay tuned for more on igniting the power within so you can discovery YOUR destiny!
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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