Recently, I was telling a friend that God speaks very clearly to us. Now you may raise an eyebrow at this but in my experience it is true and that is what I write from - my experience.
Some picture God as some distance figure with a long white beard out in the heavens someplace.
They think there is no way God is going to talk to them but God wants us to understand what He is saying so he keeps things short and simple. His three responses are: "YES", "NO" and "WAIT". Today we'll talk about the third answer, which is possibly the hardest one to accept - WAIT.
We all want an answer NOW. We want to move on, move forward, move ahead. But God is not on our timeframe, don't ya know? Nope, He has eternity to wait for us and sometimes that is what it seems like to us, right? An eternity? Remember that patience is a fruit of the Spirit.
So, what could possibly be holding things up? Why would our Heavenly Father delay his blessings in our lives? Let's put this in human terms for a sec. Why would a parent withhold something from their child say like getting their license or a new car? Because the parent is waiting till the child is ready for it, right? Kids need to learn responsibility, how to drive, how to be obey the laws and the limits of the road.
Same thing with God. He is waiting for us to learn some things. There is always a lesson to learn. The problem is we are slow-learners and we are stubborn which is why we keep getting the same lesson over and over.
I have noticed that often when I don't get the message, God sends it in multiple areas of my life at the same time. It's like he is saying "Well, let me put this another way." God is a good god and a good father and like a good father he wants us to learn and to grow. God says "WAIT" because we are not ready to receive whatever it is we are asking for.
What is God trying to teach us? The same things we try to teach our children: patience, responsibility, obedience, and most of all He is trying to teach us to LISTEN. That is why God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we would listen twice as much as we talk.
How are you doing at listening these days? Are you spending time with the most important person in your life and are you really listening? Are you listening with an open mind and heart? God speaks to us through various ways. Sometimes through His Word, sometimes through circumstances, and sometimes through other people. We may not like the messenger but don't miss the message. God will use whatever it takes to get through to us.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on listening to God, answers you have heard, and even if you have a question I'm happy to try to answer it. If you'd like to join our community and receive my bi-weekly posts, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll also receicve a copy of my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path".
Stay tuned for more on igniting the power within and discovering YOUR destiny!
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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