Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Will You Do to Help Others Be Free?

This weekend we in the United States are celebrating Memorial Day. Many will be consumed with having parties, cookouts, going to the beach, or just enjoying an extra day off work. May everyone be safe and enjoy, but amidst all the festivities, let us not forget the price that was paid for our freedoms. This holiday weekend I'd like to share 3 thoughts on the meaning and importance of this day.

1. Freedom is not free.
There is a price to pay. Thousands of American men and women have given their time and their lives as a sacrifice to preserve the precious gift we here in the United States enjoy and often take for granted.

2. Be grateful for your freedoms 
When I stop to think of the ways I am free, it is overwhelming. I am free to dress as I choose, to worship where and how I choose, to speak my opinion and thoughts through this blog, to travel and to vote, to name a few. I am especially grateful as a woman when I see how women in third world countries are treated or rather, mistreated. Many still wear hoods and cover their heads and cannot worship in the same place as the men. Others have to walk miles to get water to feed and care for their families.

3. Help others be free 
So many people are in bondage to all sorts of things: poverty, drugs and alcohol, work, food, illness, negativity, materialism, image, hurts from the past,. The list goes on and on. We can all reach out to encourage someone, give to someone in need, lend a helping hand.

Will you speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves? Will you stand up for liberty and justice for all? Will you give of your money or your time to help free those in captivity of poverty, illness, or distress of any sort?

As we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, let us pause to reflect and give thanks for our many blessings in this country and also commit to taking action to helping others be free as well. My prayer is that this post has spurred you to action as well as celebration.

Have a wonderful holiday and

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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