Thursday, December 31, 2020

Believe in the Promises of God and Discover Your Destiny

The holidays come with a lot of expectations, don't they? Receiving that much wanted gift, spending quality time with loved ones, & enjoying lots of laughter and fun. The reality is that things don't always turn out picture perfect; people don't get along, tensions are high, someone doesn't like the food, people don't show up. This list of things that can go wrong is endless. Why? Because we live in an imperfect world and people are imperfect. As the year draws to a close, today I'm sharing on what can we do to better handle these expectations so we can have more peace, more joy and less frustration in the New Year.

Tip #1. Realize we are all in process.
Everyone is at a different stage in their journey in life. We each have our lessons to learn for our personal and spiritual growth. We can't make anyone grow any faster, but we can work on our own growth. It is a choice we make. Some people are too busy to be concerned about personal growth and/or they don't think they need to change. News flash - we ALL need to change!

Others don't want to change. I met a woman recently who I came to realize has the habit of cancelling at the last minute. I brought this to her attention and gave her grace multiple times. She just wouldn't change her behavior. She said to me "It's too hard to be your friend". What she really meant was "I don't want to change for you." And I didn't want to be continually stood up and stressed out by her behavior so we both agreed to part ways.

Tip #2. Accept people where they are but don't spend too much time with them
I guess since I am a growth person, I like to think others are open to growing as well, but that is not always the case. As in the situation above, the woman did not want to grow. Apparently she thinks repeatedly cancelling at the last minute is acceptable behavior. Maybe in her circle of friends, but not in mine.

If we want to get along with others, we have to overlook some things. The key is to figure out what we can overlook and what we can't.  If we want to live a peaceful joyful life, we want to hang around with people who want the same thing. Some people crave strife and drama. That is their way of getting attention or else they have a personality disorder. I choose not to associate with these types. Life is too short for strife and drama.

Tip #3. Lower your expectations of others. 
The expectations we put on ourselves and others can cause undue pressure, stress and conflict. The key is to realize that our values and priorities may not be the same as others. This takes understanding. I have another friend whom I've known for years. The problem is she is constantly late. I am an on time person and I think being late shows a lack of consideration for others. She apparently doesn't. Solution: don't do too much with her. Now that I know how she is, I can make different plans like tell her an event starts earlier than it does. My goal this year is to accept circumstances and people as imperfect as we all are, the same way Christ accepts me, with love and without judgement.

Tip #4. Do less. 
Over the years I have learned to put less and less effort into all the hoopla that surrounds Christmas. Yes, I still put up a tree and put out the Advent wreath. I still buy and wrap presents and I still bake. Why? Because these simple things are meaningful to me and remind me of the joy of the season. But Christmas cards have gone electronic. The house is simply decorated and I limit the number of parties and events I say yes to. Why? Because I want to enjoy the peace and the joy of the season without overextending myself, feeling rushed, or getting sick.

I've also learned not everyone is in to gift-giving, so I buy less. Saves me time, money, and effort as well as not being disappointed.

Tip #5. Remember the promises of God. 
One year, not too long ago, it was only my youngest son and myself together on Christmas Day.  As I settled down to open my gifts, my youngest son points to a large box under the tree.
"That one is for you," he says as he gets out the video camera.
"Now what could this possibly be?" I ask as I dig through the huge pile of styrofoam packing.

To my utter surprise and joy, there in the box were six cups and saucers from my Lenox china pattern I selected when I got married. Somehow when I moved to my new home years ago, the cups and saucers were lost in transit. These six cups and saucers would restore what I had lost and complete the set. As I gazed upon the beauty of a simple china cup, I noticed the name of the pattern -"Promise".

"You know, people may break their promises, but God never does," I said to my son with a quiet peace. "God promises to restore the years the locusts have eaten" (Joel 2:25).

In the same way my beautiful china collection was restored and made complete, know that God is still in the process of restoration and completion in each of us - to make us whole, complete, and like new. Whatever pains, losses and hurts we have endured, God knows about all of them and He is faithful to heal us and make us whole once again. But He doesn't stop there.

God wants you to go higher - to reach new levels, to do bigger and greater things. Jesus himself said, "Whoever believes in me, will do greater things than I" (John 14:12). Catch the key - "Whoever believes in me".  We have to believe - in God, in others, and in ourselves. You have been gifted in many ways; some gifts may not have even come to the surface yet. You are not meant to settle for a just-get-by life. You are meant to SOAR to new heights and fulfill the purpose you were created for!

Just as Christ came to earth as a little child, let us, too, become as little children filled with awe and wonder as we usher in the New Year. Let us let go of any hurts, unforgiveness, and mistakes we may have made and look forward to a new year filled with  healing, wholeness, and harmony. Let us use our gifts and talents to make this world a better place.

For Reflection
As the New Year begins, what do you need to let go of? A habit? A relationship? What is it that you truly would like to accomplish in the New Year? 

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Stay tuned for more practical and positive wisdom on igniting the power within and discovering YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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