Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How to Have More Peace In the Present Moment

Every day is both a gift and a challenge. We never know what the day will bring.  Some days go by smoothly and others have things that spring up out of the blue. I consider these events tests. I love a day with no tests, don't you? 

In this season of Covid-19 and heightened stress levels, the challenge to keep our peace is even more crucial so this week I am sharing some tips on how to do just that. 

If you've read my book, "The Power of Faith", you know I've been through some stuff. Since that book was written, I've been through a lot more tough stuff - losing my job, losing my health, losing members of my family. The past seven years have been a tough road to hoe, yet I'm still here and learning as I go from these experiences. 

Personal Story 
So I'm in the sauna at the gym, before Covid that is, and I start up a conversation with the gal next to me. She mentions she does mindful meditation. Interesting. Then she mentions she's done EMDR, which is another type of healing therapy using eye movements, and tells me a short list of her past traumas including sexual abuse as a child, her father killing her mother, and more. Wow. What she's been through makes what I've been through seem like a walk in the park. But she seemed happy and moving on with her life. How is that? 

Practice letting it go
I think we can all learn a lesson from this woman. We ALL go thru STUFF. Some of it ain't too pretty. But we do have a choice. Each day or rather each hour we get to CHOOSE our ATTITUDE. We don't have to dwell on the rude comment, the driver who cut us off, the jealous boss, the inept rep on the phone. Realize you are irritated and then DECIDE to LET IT GO! Keep your peace!

Resist the Urge to Visit the past
When we're young, we live more in the present moment, not thinking about the past or worrying about the future, but this mindset seems to change the older we get. We dwell on past hurts and regrets usually without even realizing we are doing it. Try to catch yourself thinking about a negative event from the past and bring yourself back to the present moment. 

Notice your surroundings
There is always something positive or beautiful to notice. The birds chirping or landing on my balcony. The color of the trees in the fall. The beauty of the clouds. The brightness of the sunshine streaming through my windows. We humans have a tendency to focus on the negative. Our brains wire that way, but we can change that wiring by learning to focus on our blessings and the beauty all around us. 

Take a deep breath 
This is such a simple but powerful tip. Simply pausing a few minutes to breathe will recalibrate our energy and our emotions. Deep breathing brings more oxygen into the body and calms the mind. Practice abdominal breathing. When we are stressed or hurried, we breathe through the chest instead of the belly. Check out this link for more on the breath. 

Say a Prayer
Never underestimate the power of prayer. I have learned that prayer is powerful. Whenever something crops up and I start to feel agitated, I say a prayer. Works every time. We were not made to handle all these stresses by ourselves. God is more than willing to step in and help out, if we let him, that is. Why? Because he wants to make himself known to us. 

A flat tire? Say a prayer. Disturbing news? Say a prayer. Worried about the virus? Say a prayer. Try it and you will see how much more peaceful you feel after. As it says in Phillipians "Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in ALL things, with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understaning will guard your hearts and minds thru Christ Jesus". (Phil 4:6) Notice the use of the word ALL. 

For reflection
What types of things upset you? How often do you dwell in the past or the future? Do you practice deep breathing and prayer? Choose a word that is calming to you. I like the word "serenity". It has a nice sound. When you stop to breathe, meditate on that word. Let it soak into your spirit. Memorize some scripture verses that resonate with you. 

If this post was helpful, do share it with a friend. Join our community by entering your email in the box provided and you'll receive my free eguide "7 steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" as well as my weekly posts. Do leave a comment and let me know how this post touched you. 

Stay tuned for more positive and practice wisdom to help us all find healing, wholeness, and harmoney so we can ignite the power within and discover our DESTINY!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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