What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is basically worrying about the future. It takes us out of the present moment and into the realm of the "what if"s. We can be anxious about the weather, the elections, our retirement, our kids lives, our health. The list of worries is endless.
Where are you right now?
If we pay attention, we will begin to notice we have a hard time living in the here and now. Just yesterday, I mentioned to a woman at the pool what a lovely summer day it was and she replied "Well, next week they are calling for....".
To which I replied, "I prefer to enjoy today."
"That's right. Stay in the present." she said. Apparently she got my drift.
Jesus himself said this "Do not be anxious about tomorrow for today has worries enough of its own." (Matt 6:34).
When we leave the now, we go back to either the past or the future. We lose the joy of today because we are somewhere else mentally, and that place is usually someplace negative or that makes us feel that where we are right now is not as good as "the good old days".
Personal story
I remember a Thanksgiving meal I attended at a friend's house. After dinner, certain members of the family insisted on recounting stressful events that had happened years ago. I thought to myself "Why on earth would they bring this up on Thanksgiving of all days?"
If we pay attention, we will begin to notice we have a hard time living in the here and now. Just yesterday, I mentioned to a woman at the pool what a lovely summer day it was and she replied "Well, next week they are calling for....".
To which I replied, "I prefer to enjoy today."
"That's right. Stay in the present." she said. Apparently she got my drift.
Jesus himself said this "Do not be anxious about tomorrow for today has worries enough of its own." (Matt 6:34).
When we leave the now, we go back to either the past or the future. We lose the joy of today because we are somewhere else mentally, and that place is usually someplace negative or that makes us feel that where we are right now is not as good as "the good old days".
Personal story
I remember a Thanksgiving meal I attended at a friend's house. After dinner, certain members of the family insisted on recounting stressful events that had happened years ago. I thought to myself "Why on earth would they bring this up on Thanksgiving of all days?"
Because it had become a mental pattern for them, that's why. They were used to recounting these tales from the past and Thanksgiving was no different. If you are caught in one of these situations, try to change the subject to something more positive and get the energy flowing in the right direction again.
Bad things happen, but we don't have to give them life by bringing them up and talking about them over and over. Process the event in your mind or by journaling, take any action you need to, learn the lesson and then let it go. There is absolutely no sense recounting negative events to others. I do my best to not recount difficulties to others unless I need advice on something or I am commiserating about the state of affairs as a mutual joke. We don't need to pollute the present moment by reliving something negative from the past.
1. Watch out for unhappy people.
Some people are energy-stealers. These people are unhappy with their lives and they want to suck you into their unhappiness any way they can. I have several people in my life right now who are unhappy. No matter what I say to them to try get them to see things differently, they refuse to change and the patterns keep repeating. At some point, after we have said our peace, given our advice or opinion, we have to let them be. People have to come to their own realizations. In the meantime, don't let them suck your energy.
Emotions are contagious. When we hang out with negative, unhappy, complaining people we will start to feel negative and unhappy. Negativity drags you down. Don't let negative people make you anxious. Put a positive spin on the topic and watch how much time you spend with them.
2. Catch Your Thoughts
Both Christianity and Buddhism encourage us to take control of our thoughts and our minds. When we are aware of our thoughts, we are at the mercy of what buddhism calls "monkey mind". Our thoughts go from here to there and before we even realize it we are dwelling on something negative. This is when we need to catch ourselves. This is where mindfulness comes in. You can search on my blog for my posts on it. We need to take control of our thoughts, not the other way around.
3. Watch Your Breathing
2. Catch Your Thoughts
Both Christianity and Buddhism encourage us to take control of our thoughts and our minds. When we are aware of our thoughts, we are at the mercy of what buddhism calls "monkey mind". Our thoughts go from here to there and before we even realize it we are dwelling on something negative. This is when we need to catch ourselves. This is where mindfulness comes in. You can search on my blog for my posts on it. We need to take control of our thoughts, not the other way around.
3. Watch Your Breathing
When we start to feel anxious, our breathing becomes fast and shallow. To come back to the present moment and calm ourselves, we can start by paying attention to our breathing. Take a few minutes several times a day to just close your eyes and focus on your breath. Pay attention to the rise and fall of your chest or belly. Notice where your shoulders are. Where do you feel tension or tightness? Begin to become more present in your body and your breath and more aware of where you are holding tension.
I like to do some deep breathing along with my prayers first thing in the morning before I get out of bed to ground myself for the day. I'm trying to fit in an daily meditation session later on in the afternoon but so far it's sporadic. I think I might have to add a reminder to my calendar.
4. Notice the Gift of Today
When I taught yoga, I used to tell my students "Today is a gift. That's why they call it the present". Once today is gone, we can never get it back. Don't allow the negativity or the stress from yesterday to steal the joy of today.
Living in the present moment is a skill we can all develop. Instead of dwelling on the past or ruminating about the future, how about marvelling at the beauty of today? The trees getting ready to change their wardrobe? The smells of coffee and homemade soup. The sunshine streaming through your windows. The beat of your heart. The deer and the birds. Each day - no, each moment, is a precious gift we should not take for granted.
5. Trust in Tomorrow
This is where faith comes in. We have two choices. We can either live in fear of tomorrow or in faith for tomorrow. I choose the latter. No, it's not being a Polyanna. It's choosing to take a positive outlook on life. It's training our brain. We get what we expect. If we are always expecting something bad to happen, that's what we will get. We have to direct our thoughts and our words towards a positive outcome, regardless of what we see. This is what faith is all about - believing BEFORE we see.
6. Be Grateful
Each one of us has so much to be thankful for each and every day. Even through the toughest of times, we can still find something to be thankful for, to appreciate, to enjoy. I think part of suffering is caused by dwelling on the negative. I learned so much from having chronic migraine. Pain can teach us much, so don't regret it or bemoan it. Yes, it sucks, but, like everything, it is a teacher. What's more everything is a gift both the good and the bad. It is up to us to glean the gift.
For reflection
This week, try and catch yourself when you leave the here and now. Take time to focus and meditate on your breath. This is a good tool to bring you back to the present. And remember, to notice the beauty all around you instead of taking it for granted.
If you enjoyed this article do sign up for my weekly posts by entering your email in the box provided. Your email is never shared and you will also receive my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" you are sure to enjoy.
Stay tuned for more positive and practice wisdom on how to achieve healing, wholeness and harmony and discover YOUR destiny!
Until next time,
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
I like to do some deep breathing along with my prayers first thing in the morning before I get out of bed to ground myself for the day. I'm trying to fit in an daily meditation session later on in the afternoon but so far it's sporadic. I think I might have to add a reminder to my calendar.
4. Notice the Gift of Today
When I taught yoga, I used to tell my students "Today is a gift. That's why they call it the present". Once today is gone, we can never get it back. Don't allow the negativity or the stress from yesterday to steal the joy of today.
Living in the present moment is a skill we can all develop. Instead of dwelling on the past or ruminating about the future, how about marvelling at the beauty of today? The trees getting ready to change their wardrobe? The smells of coffee and homemade soup. The sunshine streaming through your windows. The beat of your heart. The deer and the birds. Each day - no, each moment, is a precious gift we should not take for granted.
5. Trust in Tomorrow
This is where faith comes in. We have two choices. We can either live in fear of tomorrow or in faith for tomorrow. I choose the latter. No, it's not being a Polyanna. It's choosing to take a positive outlook on life. It's training our brain. We get what we expect. If we are always expecting something bad to happen, that's what we will get. We have to direct our thoughts and our words towards a positive outcome, regardless of what we see. This is what faith is all about - believing BEFORE we see.
6. Be Grateful
Each one of us has so much to be thankful for each and every day. Even through the toughest of times, we can still find something to be thankful for, to appreciate, to enjoy. I think part of suffering is caused by dwelling on the negative. I learned so much from having chronic migraine. Pain can teach us much, so don't regret it or bemoan it. Yes, it sucks, but, like everything, it is a teacher. What's more everything is a gift both the good and the bad. It is up to us to glean the gift.
For reflection
This week, try and catch yourself when you leave the here and now. Take time to focus and meditate on your breath. This is a good tool to bring you back to the present. And remember, to notice the beauty all around you instead of taking it for granted.
If you enjoyed this article do sign up for my weekly posts by entering your email in the box provided. Your email is never shared and you will also receive my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" you are sure to enjoy.
Stay tuned for more positive and practice wisdom on how to achieve healing, wholeness and harmony and discover YOUR destiny!
Until next time,
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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