Monday, March 3, 2025

Lent: A Time to Look In the Mirror

When was the last time you looked in a mirror? This morning? In your car? Many of us spend lots of time in front of the mirror: primping, styling our hair, and making sure we look just right before we head out the door. Now I am all for looking your best, but how often do we look inside and consider the fact that our inner person is even more important?

I think Michael Jackson realized this when he sang this powerful song.

On stage since a small child, Michael was always in the limelight. He had the glitz, the glamor and the fancy clothes. But as we all realize sooner or later, the glitz, the glamor and the lights fade all too soon and then where are we? When all is said and done, how much time have we devoted to shining up our souls? 

Lent is an ideal time to take a look within. 
It's a time to get alone and get quiet with ourselves and God. Too many of us are focused on outward success: money, possessions, fancy cars, jewelry, prestige. Now I have nothing against outward success but true success has nothing to do with money. How many of the rich and famous are inwardly destitute? Lonely, unhappy, and unfulfilled? Commit suicide? Look at Michael. 

True Success
True success  is about  growth, change, transformation, and becoming a kinder, more peaceful person. It's how we feel about ourselves, the steps we take to heal our hurts, pains, and insecurities, and then what we can do to make a difference in this hurting world of ours. This is what Lent is really all about; it is an opportunity to work on our spiritual and emotional selves and ask ourselves how we can become more like Jesus. We need to turn our eyes away from what the rest of the world is doing, and focus instead of what God would have us become. We need to realize the world lives in exact opposition to how God would have us live. 

Each of Us in On Our Own Journey 
We are each on our own spiritual journey, like I say in my books.  The obstacles we encounter in life are stepping stones to healing, wholeness, and harmony.  The rest will come when we get our priorities in order. "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you," (Matt. 6:33). The kingdom of God, as it says in the Bible, is righteousness, peace, and joy. These are all inner, spiritual qualities. 

So, when was the last time you took a good look inside? What did you find there? Be honest with yourself but remember to see yourself and others through the eyes of love with compassion and mercy, just as Jesus does. We each have our own wounds that need healing but no one ever healed by shame, guilt, or condemnation. We heal by being loved and Jesus showed us how much he loves us when he died on that cross.

For Reflection:
Are you aware of what hurts or pains you need to heal? Where is there  brokenness? Is there someone you need to forgive this season? Spend some time this week with Jesus and ask him to heal your broken places and make you whole so you can move forward into YOUR DESTINY!

Love to hear your comments on this post. If you'd like to find healing, wholeness, and harmony and ignite the power within so you can discover YOUR destiny, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts plus you'll receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "How to Start a Spiritual Practice" to learn some tools to help you grow spiritually and do pass on to a friend who may need healing as well. 

Until next time, remember you have the power to make that change!

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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