How often do you find yourself revisiting the past or ruminating on some future event? I would like to know the statistics on this but I venture to say many of us spend quite a lot of time in someplace other than the present moment. Do you catch yourself when you are going back to the past or worrying about the future? This is where a mindfulness practice can serve us well.
We resurrect negative past experiences each time we talk about them or revisit them in our minds. We also create anxiety and fear when we worry about a future event that most likely will never happen. Since we've been talking about joy, gratitude, and energy, today I want to talk to you about living in the present moment, which is where peace and joy are found.
Personal Story
When I used to teach a yoga class, during Savassana at the end of class, I would give a short verbal meditation. One of my phrases was the above. We have to make a choice to live in today, and see to it as a gift. Each day provides so many opportunities to be thankful. Like my cup of coffee. My morning walk. My ability to cook a delicious dinner. So many people don't acknowledge their blessings and spend their days joyless. Not going to name any names. Now that is a sad existence. Live in the present and be grateful and joyful. The Apostle Paul exhorts us to "Rejoice always" and "in all things give thanks", so there ya go.
Living in the Past
Many of us are held captive by our past. If you've read my first book, "The Power of Faith" you know I have been through quite a lot of traumatic experiences. But, I choose not to let them hold me back from enjoying my life today. Notice the word "choose". If we want to enjoy our lives on a daily basis, we have to make a conscious decision - say decision - to live in the present moment. It's called mindfulness and I have written numerous posts on the topic. Read them here. It's an important skill to learn because our thoughts can be triggered back to some negative event in the blink of an eye and we have to catch ourselves.
Living in the Future
When we spend too much time thinking about future events, we get caught up in anxieties and worry. What if this happens? What if that happens? What if what if? It's a mental trap that keeps us in a state of constant anxiety. You and I were not meant to live like this. Jesus said to "take every thought captive" instead of allowing our thoughts to take us captive. Things change moment to moment, even the weather. How often when I comment to a neighbor what a beautiful day it is and they reply "It's going to rain this weekend" or "But tomorrow it's going to ..." I say a silent prayer for them. They are living in anxiety and dread of tomorrow instead of enjoying the beauty of today. Don't let that be you.
Living in the Present
Now I am not talking about having a Pollyanna worldview. I am well aware of all the negative things going on in our society today, but that does not mean you or I have to dwell on them 24/7. We are each created for a purpose and if we want to fulfill that purpose we need time and energy to achieve that. I call it destiny because I believe we each have a divine destiny to fulfill to help make this world a better place. It may be a grand purpose or a much smaller purpose, but whatever it is remember what Sister Teresa said "Not all of us can do great things, but we can all do small things with great love." This is one of the reasons I write this blog. It is a small thing, done with great love.
We cannot, however, accomplish our purpose or find joy, if we spend all our time living in the past or the future, holding on to resentment, anger, or unforgiveness. No matter who has hurt us. We are to keep on forgiving but set better boundaries. These separate us from God and keep us at a lower vibration.
Jesus came to set us free from all of that. Jesus, my friend, represents reality, living in the present moment and true peace. Joy is only found in the present moment and it is up to us to choose it every moment of every day.
For Reflection
Try this little exercise. Pick a day to focus on your thoughts. Observe how many times you drift into the past or the future. Watch your conversations as well. You may be very surprised. It takes practice staying in the present moment but being aware of when we drift out of it will help us stay there more often.
I trust you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. Drop me a note or leave a comment. I enjoy hearing from you. Also, check out my Pinterest boards on mindfulness, peace and faith here. If you have a friend who might enjoy these posts, do share this email with them. They will receive a copy of my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". After all, we are here to lead others into the light.
Until next time,
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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