Ever wonder why the world is in such a chaotic, violent state? Teenagers killing school children. Mothers and fathers abandoning their children, killing each other. Greed and politics prevailing over the good and safety of the world.
Perhaps, like me, you ponder what you could possibly do to help society as a whole. Maybe you think there is nothing you can do, but there is. Each of us is like a pebble cast in the water. The effects of our behavior and our decisions, like the pebble, ripple out farther than we can see. Each of us has an impact on those around us, for good or for evil and our behavior is instructed by our mindset, our philosophy and our beliefs.
You are a spiritual being and I believe you want to be a better, kinder person who makes an impact for good in this world. I know I do. Science shows, (see last week's post), that faith and spirituality are good not only for ourselves, physically and emotionally, but good for others.
I know that many people have forsaken the "organized church" due to some past negative experience and as a result have lost their connection to God, the Divine, the Lord, their Higher Power, or whatever you want to call that universal force or energy. I believe people need help finding and connecting with their Higher Power.
We each have a spirituality that is personal to us, but there are key steps or disciplines, if you will, that are universal and in the weeks to come I am going to outline them for you. My goal is to help you get started and you will find your way, by providing a little guidance.
So I hope you will come along with me on this series and maybe even share this post with a friend who might be interested as well. I am excited to start and will be diligently working on how to present the material in a clear and digestible format. Love to hear your feedback.
What area do you need the most work in? Is it your temper? Ego? Control issues? Worry? Whatever it is, a spiritual practice can help you become a better YOU, and after all, isn't that the goal?
If you'd like to receive my weekly newsletter to stay in touch, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". Also be sure to check out my books to help you grow spiritually and find more joy and balance in life.
So excited to start this new series with you. I do hope to hear from you about it.
In the meantime, thanks for reading and
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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