Monday, March 25, 2024

How to Know God

Whether you are a believer or not, you can't help but notice the new growth and new life all around us: the daffodils peeking through the grass, the blossoms on the trees, the empty birds' nests. They all spent their time in darkness, hibernation, and rest and now as the season changes, it is time for rebirth, renewal, and transformation. This is what Lent is all about. 

Has it been business or busyness as usual or have you made some time for self-reflection, study, and journaling? I hope so! For me, Lent is a season to cut back on extra activities and fleshly pursuits so that I can use that time to reflect and connect more with my spirituality, with God, and with my purpose. I use this time as a learning period so I am as ready as I can be emotionally and spiritually for the challenges life brings me the rest of the year. After all, it is our emotional and spiritual maturity that helps us deal with the storms of life in a calm and centered way, yes? 

Who is this God? 
If we want to know God, who He is and what he desires for and of us, there is no
 better way to do this than reflect on the personhood of Jesus Christ. After all, he is the embodiment of God (Spirit made flesh) and by studying his life, his words, and his actions, we can learn how to treat others, how to live a life of integrity, how to love ourselves in a balanced way and how to find our purpose.

People seek God in all sorts of ways, but sadly so many ignore the very person of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God. At some point in time, we each must ask ourselves the question "Who is this Jesus?" 

Jesus is Our Example 
Jesus is the perfect example of a life well-lived; a life of service, sacrifice, and purpose. Jesus knew his destiny and dedicated each day to fulfilling it. He made it a priority to heal, to help, and to encourage those who were hurting despite the constant derision of those in power. He was a friend to the poor, the outcast, and the lonely. Most importantly, Jesus followed the will of God, not his own will, straight to death on the cross. Guiltless, he paid the penalty for all of our sins in one sacrificial act of atonement on the cross. Your sins and mine have all been washed white as snow. Who or what else can do that for us? 

When Jesus died on the cross for you and for me, the veil in the Jewish temple was torn which means there is no longer a separation between man and God for those who believe in Christ. We can now come directly to God, without fear, trepidation, or the need of an intercessor such as a priest or guru. No matter what we have done in the past, our sins are forgiven. We are redeemed and set free from our past, our mistakes, and our hurts and pains. And that, my friends, is worth celebrating!

For Reflection 
If you have not considered Jesus lately, friend, I encourage you to take some time to get quiet this Lenten season and do so. Jesus was not simply another teacher or prophet, as some religions teach. He is the one and only Son of God, a friend who stays closer than a brother. He is our peace and our hope. He is the incarnation of God on earth and he died to remove the veil from our eyes so that we can have true peace, joy, abundance, and an inspired life of service and joy. Will you spend some time with Him this season?

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Stay tuned for more on igniting the power within and until next time,

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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