Monday, April 1, 2024

How to Live in Victory Over Your Circumstances

Life has its challenges, for sure. Some of us are facing illness or health challenges. For others, it could be a broken relationship, financial stress, or loss of a loved one. Some of us are facing more than one of these. Storms often seem overwhelming and insurmountable while we are going thru them, but the key is to keep our focus on the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ. And that my friends, is why we celebrate Easter. 

A Little History Lesson
Jesus Christ was a real person, not just a prophet and a teacher, who lived about 2000 years ago. More importantly, he was the incarnate Son of God which means he is personification of Holy God. He became flesh so that we may know him, believe in him and follow him. 

Jesus was persecuted by the Jewish leaders of the time which led to a shameful and humiliating cruxifiction at the hands of the Roman Emperor, Pilate.


Because he was becoming too popular with the Jewish people and the religious leaders of the day were afraid of losing their power over the people and of the Roman soldiers having to step in. It was all about control and power. Not much has changed has it? Look at Putin. 

This is why Jesus is called the sacrificial lamb. Until then, the only way to absolve people of their sins (and we all have them) was by the shedding of blood, usually an animal, typically a lamb. Blood is the only way to atone for sin and Jesus willingly surrendered his life so that our sins could be atoned for once and for all eternity. 

What This Means to Us
The fantastic news is that when we meet with a situation that seems impossible to us, we can call on the name of Jesus and he can turn it around. I have seen many miraculous breakthrus, healings, and solutions because of prayer and calling out to Jesus. There is supernatural power in the name of Jesus Christ.  

When we celebrate Easter, we are reminded of new life and transformation, victory over sin and death, triumph over evil. When we look at the cross, we are reminded that new life can come out of what appears to be dead. When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we receive Jesus' Resurrection power thru the Holy Spirit. This is why I pass on Buddhism, Islam, and all the other belief systems out there. Only Jesus rose from the dead and only He can bring life from death.

Personal Story
I have seen this power in action in my own life many times. God has restored me from several serious illnesses that the doctors could not figure out. I remember one stroke specialist at Johns Hopkins scratching his head and muttering to himself about the vestibular migraines I was having. 

After a bankruptcy and a nasty divorce, Christ has restored my finances and moved me to a place of provision and abundance. After being raised in a chaotic and dysfunctional home, he has replaced fear, worry, and anxiety with faith, peace and joy. He has given me peace after my oldest son decided to estrange himself from me for no apparent reason. And that is what I want to share with you, dear friend. No matter what painful things you have gone thru, Jesus can heal you. He can give you the peace that passes all understanding. That is why I put all this effort into writing this blog. Jesus has transformed my life. What he has done for me he can and will do for you when you put your trust in him. 
We were not made to endure all these things on our own. Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 

Peace through the Pain  
Easter is a time to be transformed. God sees every pain and hurt we endure. He sees our fears, our shame, our guilt,  and he wants to renew us by transforming our minds. We were not meant to live stressed out, anxious, defeated lives fearing the next shoe to drop. 

When we accept Jesus, we learn to trust, to have peace and hope despite our circumstances, and to forgive those who have hurt us. His plan for us is for good and not for evil. No matter what mistakes we may have made or what others may have done to us, God is able to make us new and whole again. This is the power of the Resurrection. 

A time for renewal and forgiveness.
Easter is a time to let go of the old, and embrace the new. It is a time to let God heal our hearts, by filling it with the great love he has to offer us through His son, Jesus Christ. It is up to each of us whether or not we choose to receive this free gift of grace and love. 

My life has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; so in a spirit of humility and thankfulness, I offer some reflections on what Easter means to me, and I trust that they will encourage and comfort you as well. When we pause to look at the cross, somehow it puts our "light and momentary afflictions" into perspective.

Easter reminds me that:

- I always have another opportunity for transformation and change

- miracles still happen if I believe 

- God's grace is sufficient for me

- Jesus paid the price for all my sins and mistakes, past, present and future

- God is always there no matter how far away I drift from Him

- no matter how dark it may look on Friday, Sunday is coming

- when I wonder "Does God really love me?" all I have to do is look at Jesus' outstretched arms on the cross and hear him say "I love you this much"

- when I am suffering, I know Jesus has suffered so much more than I ever will and that makes my pain more bearable

- no matter what I have lost or how much I have been hurt, misunderstood, or mistreated, God can bring healing and peace to my soul 

A Prayer to Remember
Here is one of my favorite prayers that helps guide me on how to handle the adversities of love. May it encourage you today. 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;


Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

For Reflection 
Where do you want to see new life? What seems dead? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe in the Resurrection? If not, will you accept him into your life as Lord and Savior today and allow him to restore and renew you? We are each on our own spiritual journey and it is up to us which path to choose. 

May God fill you with his great love and peace. May he heal your broken places, and make you new. Amen and amen. 

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Stay tuned for more positive and practial wisdom to help you find healing, wholeness, and harmony and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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