Monday, April 15, 2024

How to Eliminate 4 Negative Thought Patterns

Spring is a time for renewal, rebirth, and transformation. Who doesn't love seeing new life, bunnies, flowers, and the gorgeous tree colors? It is a time for transformation and that is what today's post is about. 

What changes would you like to see happen in your life? Perhaps lose some weight? Get in better shape? Get your financial house in order? Take that trip you've been dreaming of? Break a bad habit? (We all have them :)) 

Our progress in life and in our goals has much to do with how we think. Often we pick up bad thinking habits which we are unaware of. So this week I'm sharing on  four thinking patterns that keep us stuck instead of moving forward.

The Root of the Problem 
As you probably know, change starts in our minds. We all have sub-conscious tapes playing and thought patterns that keep us from making the changes we so desire. I would like to EMPOWER YOU to address some of these faulty thinking patterns. So, what are some of these negative thinking patterns that prevent us from living our best life?

1. Procrastination
You've heard that saying "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today" and it is so true. What doesn't get done today, will spill over into tomorrow's to-do list and eventually we will feel overwhelmed. Some have trouble with keeping their house clean and let clutter take over. Clutter keeps us distracted and unable to focus. We spend too much time trying to keep up with stuff. 

Others have trouble managing their finances or exercising on a regular basis. Procrastination keeps us from exerting the EFFORT to take control of our lives. Nobody ever "FEELS" like doing the work and if we wait to "feel" motivated, well you know how that goes. 

We use excuses such as "I don't feel like it", "I'm too tired", "I'll do it tomorrow", "I'm too busy". Do any of these resonate? The answer, friend, is discipline and don't tell me you don't have it, because you ABSOLUTELY DO!

Procrastination is a bad habit you can conquer. 

2.  Distraction
You've decided today is the day you are going to declutter your office. You have good intentions and you start off with good momentum. Then you think of someone you want to call and pick up the phone. Or you get bored and mindlessly wander into the fridge or cupboard for a snack. Or you pop on over to some social media platform just to see "what everybody else" is doing. 

Distractions come in many forms all designed to keep us from accomplishing our goals and moving forward in life.  Distractions take us out of the present moment. Some distractions are playing games on our phones, watching television, working on the computer., shopping. Now there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these, except when we turn to them instead of focusing on our goals and dreams.

3.  Rationalization
I have a friend you keeps saying she's on a diet and wants to lose weight yet everytime we go out to eat, she says "I deserve this" or "I'll start my diet tomorrow". Working hard at the office all day is not a reason to overeat when you get home at night. Nor is the fact that you broke up with your boyfriend or the fact that you don't have a boyfriend. If you want the confidence to attract a boyfriend, stop rationalizing. 

So let's talk about stress for a minute. We all have it and we are each responsible for managing it so it doesn't spill out onto other people, but sadly, many people have not taken responsibility for managing their stress. Just watch the nightly news. Or the guy at the local gas station. Or your idiot boss. 

We can all come up with ideas to rationalize our actions yet all that does is keep us stuck right where we are. If we want to transform our lives, we must prioritize our goals and values over our negative thoughts.  

4.  Condemnation
Okay, so I said I was going to lose weight this week and once again, I head for the cheese and crackers or the wine or the ice ceam or the chocolate. I keep going back to the food issue because many of us struggle with it. I know I do.

These are just examples of how we can derail ourselves by our own choices and lack of commitment. Notice I did not say will power. Will power will only get us so far. We have to make a firm commitment to our goal to keep on track AND we have to stay mindful.

Emotions can have a powerful impact on our ability to say "No". We all fall off the wagon from time to time, but what is worse is beating ourselves up about our slip-ups. When we guilt ourselves, we decrease our resolve to start again fresh the next day. Eventually we will capitulate by saying "What's the use?" and resign ourselves to our condition. How we use self-talk plays a huge part in our success or failure. 

Instead of beating yourself up, give yourself some grace. Say "Well, today I didn't do so well on my diet. I'll try again tomorrow," then go for a walk. Feed yourself faith and hope instead of despair and condemnation. Every day is not going to be easy. Every day is not going to be successful. Yet there will be successful days if we keep at it and eventually the successful days will outnumber the unsuccessful days. We will conquer that mountain and imagine how amazing you are going to feel when you do!

For Reflection
Which of these four thinking patterns do you succumb to? What excuses do you make? How do you treat yourself after a slip up? Awareness is the first step to change and I hope this post has helped you become aware of some patterns that may be holding you back. To learn more on this topic, get your copy of my short ebook, "Take Back Your Life: 5 keys to reclaim your personal power" and do leave an honest review.

If you enjoyed this post and would like to join our community, enter your email in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts plus a copy of my free e-guide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

I invite you to pop on over to Pinterest and check out all the interesting stuff I have gathered there on a variety of topics such as health and wellness, fitness and exercise, cooking, travel, beauty, mindfulness, motivation and more. 

Stay tuned for more practical and positive wisdom so you can ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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