Monday, April 29, 2024

How to Make that Change

Change can be difficult, no doubt about it. We fear the outcome. We fear leaving the familiar. We fear the unknown. We think it is better to maintain the status quo, even if we are unhappy. And this type of thinking keeps us stuck - sometimes for decades,  but there is a better way.

In this series on transformation, we have been talking about how to transform our lives. So this week, I'm going to share with you what I believe is the key factor in making changes - of any kind - in your life. But first - a true story.

Personal Story 
As someone who left an unhappy and abusive marriage and faced my biggest fear of becoming a single parent, I know first-hand what a huge change that is. I also know the changes involved in relocating,  leaving a job, breaking bad habits, losing weight, traveling solo to many countries, and setting firm boundaries with others. 

Now I am not saying I did all these things by myself. No sirree - I enlisted the supernatural power of God. And that is what we are going to explore today.

We Can't Do it Alone
There are some things we can do in our own strength. But the BIG decisions of life - like buying a house or a car, deciding who to marry or not to marry, what career to pursue - require more than our own abilities and knowledge. 

This is where FAITH comes in. FAITH  is the superpower we all have within. It is up to us to ignite it by using it. Faith is what gives the super to our natural. It is what pushes us forward into our dreams and destinies. Without faith, we often stay stuck, afraid to take the step unto the unknown. Sure, we can make big decisions without consulting God, but why would we? I didn't consult God when I got married and look how that turned out. Ever since I've included God in my decisions, things have gone a lot better. 

How it Works
No one has a crystal ball. No one knows the future, only God. We do know this though. God loves us and only wants the best for you and I, but we have free will and we can do whatever we darn well please because we are submitting to our flesh instead of to the Spirit that dwells within us. 

When we consult Almighty God and ask him to help us make changes, he steps in. He gives us wisdom, guidance, self-control, and insight. When we acknowledge and humble ourselves admitting we need help changing, God is willing. His word actually says "Do not be conformed to the likeness of this world but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2).

Faith Can Move Mountains
Often, we just can't see the way forward. Obstacles seem too big. Our own efforts have failed time and again. We give up and say "I just can't do it." No. We just can't do it - ON OUR OWN! The game-changer is that God CAN. Scripture says "the promises of God are yes and amen." (2 Cor 1:20). Meaning that God wants to help us transform, change, grow. He is in it with us, but we have to invite his transformative power into our lives and BELIEVE he can help us.

For Reflection
What change do you want to make in your life? Have you ever asked God to help you? Do you believe God can help you transform your life? It really all starts there.

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As always, I hope to hear from you on this post or via any of the social media platforms I'm on. 

Until next time, stay tuned for our new monthly topic which is Finding Spiritual Guidance. I think this dovetails nicely with our recent series. 

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 
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