Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Ignite the Power Within Step 3: Learn to Let Go

Have you ever lost something you valued? A piece of jewelry? A relationship? A child? A pet? A home? Things and people get taken from us often without our consent and sometimes, quite suddenly. Think of all the people who have lost homes and possessions due to hurricanes and tornados. Now they have a lot to let go of both emotionally and mentally. Today, to help us deal with these difficult situations, I am sharing a skill we all need to learn which is Step 3 in our transformational journey to ignite the power within. 

What does letting go mean?
I thought everyone knew the concept of letting go, but one day a friend asked me what it meant. She had been grieving her dead husband for over 10 years and I finally said to her, "Sounds like it is time to let go." 
"What does that mean?" she asked. I was incredulous.  
So let me explain the idea which encompasses a lot more than we realize. 

Letting go means accepting what is, relinquishing control of people and circumstances, and mentally "letting go" of obsessive thoughts and emotions about a particular person, thing, relationship, or whatever. It is HUGE when it comes to keeping our peace and our joy. 

In order to let go, we need to look for a new perspective, reevaluate our priorities, and most importantly, trust that God has allowed something to happen for a reason, and that there is something better in store for us. Here's a personal story that illustrates this point.

Personal Story about Material Possessions
A few years ago, I lost a beloved opal necklace that had been a graduation gift from my favorite uncle, who has long passed. I looked high and low for it - in the house, the car, the garage. It was nowhere to be found. I prayed and prayed to find it and one day I did - crushed to smithereens next to my car.

"Well, at least now I know what happened to it," I said with finality. The unrest I was feeling was gone. There was no more hope of finding the necklace intact and I was at peace - closure. In the same way, we feel unrest when we lose something we value. It could be a relationship, a job, or a pet. Who knows how the necklace fell on the ground? We don't always understand why unfortunate things happen. We don't even have to. The lesson is in the letting go. 

After the emotion of losing the cherished necklace dissipated,  I decided to visit a local jewelry store to see how much a replacement would cost. I found a necklace I liked. The saleswoman quoted me the cost explaining that it was a very good price considering the price of gold these days. Now, I have to tell you that I didn't feel very comfortable spending that much money on jewelry for myself. That's just not something I do. 

"If you like, you can put a deposit down and think about it," she suggested.

"That's a good idea. I'll do that."

As she looked my name up in her system, she says to me, "You have a credit on your account."

"Really?" I replied, my eyebrows arching in surprise.

After researching a bit more, the saleswoman decided to go ahead and discount the necklace to less than half the original price. Now that is the favor of God.

"What a deal," I exclaimed. "I'll take it." Needless to say, I was elated. I now had a replacement for the necklace I had lost and God had given me something better at a great price!

Examples of letting go. 
And that is exactly what God will do for you when you let go of whatever is causing you unrest and stealing your peace. Now I am not just talking about material possessions. The practice of letting go involves letting go of anything or anyone we have a strong attachment to. This is why spouses suffer so much when their spouse dies. Or when kids leave the nest, why moms have such a hard time. Or when a beloved pet dies or goes missing. Or when the stock market drops. It is natural to care and love, but we must do so lightly. Don't have too strong a grip on anyone or anything. This what memories are for. To comfort us in our time of loss. And it is normal to grieve, but if it goes on for an inordinate amount of time, like my friend, it is time to let go. You alone will know when that time comes. 

Trusting God
Letting go is a practice. Say "practice." I think life keeps giving us opportunities to learn how to let go until we master the lesson and can do it more quickly and with less emotional stress. This is also a practice in trusting God. God sees our pain, really he does. 

For Reflection
Beloved, what person, relationship, or thing are you holding on to today that is causing you unrest? Trust God, let it go, and wait for the Lord to give you the desires of your heart. Remember, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." (Matt. 6:34)

Offerings for You 
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I hope this post encouraged you and do stay tuned for part 4 on our series on igniting the power within and until next time, 

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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