Tuesday, February 15, 2022

How to Make Wise Decisions

Every day we have hundreds of decisions to make. Most of them are small, like what to have for dinner or what color shoes to wear to work. However some decisions are major such as a career decision,  a home purchase, or a relationship decision. These are times we need wisdom, knowledge, and God's guidance.

In some situations such as business decisions, good decision-making is a learned mental skill. Professional football coaches get really good at making decisions in the heat of the moment with limited information. They are mentally trained at making multiple quick decisions. They evaluate the facts, combine it with their experience and execute a decision. Done.

Making Personal Decisions 
These are often more difficult to make because the heart and the mind are both involved. We are torn between conflicting values and it takes quiet time alone with God to get clear on what is most important to us. We want to do the right thing but often we are unclear as to what that is. This is where God and Scripture come in.

Use the Word of God
When I am unsure of a decision, I go straight to the word of God.  It helps me to step outside my emotions and take an objective look at the situation. As a long-time student of the Bible, I am familiar with the principles and ideas in most of the books. A good place to start is the book of Proverbs. There is much wisdom in this book regarding the major facets of life including relationships, finances, child-rearing, lending, and communication to name a few. Write down all the verses pertaining to the issue you are facing, pray about it, and you will get clarity on what to do.

Reverse Your Process 
Many people, however, have this process reversed.  Instead of asking and seeking God's will regarding their decision first, they often make the decision and then, when things don't work out, they talk to God about it. This is not the way it works, folks. God wants the best path for us, but we must make the diligent effort to determine what that is, trusting that God ultimately knows better than we do. He sees the future and we only see with limited vision, often colored by rose-colored glasses or past-experiences. 

God wants the Best for You. 
Don't be afraid to seek his advice and guidance while you are talking to your friends. God is faithful to answer our prayers and guide us in the right path. Let peace be the umpire of your decisions. Where there is no peace, there is no green light. Don't settle for less than God's best. Ask yourself "Is this the best thing for me?" and then listen to that still small voice. 

For Reflection
What decision is keeping you up at nights? God wants us to make good decisions, not ones we will regret. Did you know God promises to guide and direct our steps? All we have to do is ASK. "If anyone of you lacks wisdom, ask God, for he gives it freely and without reproach." (James 1:5). We are not alone in our decision-making. We have a supernatural force that wants to help us make good decisions. 

If this post has encouraged you, do leave a comment and share this post with your friends. Many people would love to know how to make better decisions. My book, "Take Back Your Life: 5 Keys to reclaiming your Personal Power." , will give you practical advice on how to make decisions about your daily life so you can enjoy more peace, less stress, and more joy. 

If you'd like to join our community and receive my weekly posts, enter you email address in the box provided. You'll also receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

Stay tuned for more on igniting the power within and until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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