Tuesday, February 6, 2018

How to Have More Love in Your Life

It's February and the month of one of my favorite holidays, Valentine's Day. My son says every holiday is my favorite, perhaps that's because I associate holidays with love, in some way, shape, or form.

Are you waiting for love? Wondering why your friends are all married and you're not? Tired of the singles' scene and staying home alone on the weekends? Take heart, dear one, you're not alone and I have some advice to share with you. Now Ann Landers, I'm not, but I have learned some stuff along my journey to faith. When it comes to waiting for love - STOP WAITING! Love is all around you. Open your eyes and see it. Open your heart and feel it. Love often comes in unexpected forms and sometimes we have to step out in faith to experience it.

This past weekend, for example, I braved the snowy Baltimore weather to go country dancing about 30 miles from home. My mother would have had a fit, but I was bound and determined not to stay home two weekend nights in a row. After inviting several friends to join me, I made up my mind to go alone. "I'm going to trust God to get me there safely and provide people to dance with."

"Well, what are you doing here tonight?" was the enthusiastic greeting when I walked in. "You braved the weather!"
"Yes, I did," I said smiling after my 50 minute drive in the snow. I try to live by faith and not by fear, as most of you already know. And God rewards faith. Not only did I arrive safely, some great dance partners showed up and I was in heaven the entire evening, especially when they played one of my favorite songs, "Pontoon", and I was out on the floor dancing with a wonderful partner.

The moral of the story is this: stop waiting for love. Go out and find happiness. Be with people you enjoy being around. Do what you love to do. Smile. Love is giving, caring, and sharing. Do that and basically, BE LOVE.

You'll soon find out that once you start giving and sharing love, it will come back to you many fold.

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Until next time, send me all the little ways you show love to others and I'll post them. Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom so you can ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

As always, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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