Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How to Keep Your Peace and Joy

Let's face it. Bad things happen to good people. Sometimes it is a result of our poor choices and behavior and other times, it is the result of evil and sin. Now I know some have a problem with the concept of evil and sin but I think if we look at the evening news just one night, we realize that evil and sin do exist. Have you seen the show "American Greed"? Mind-boggling what people will do for money.

We must accept the reality that painful things do happen - we lose our job, we come down with a chronic health issue, a relationship ends, the list goes on and on. Circumstances can destroy and defeat us if we let them. Sometimes it feels like it's just one thing after the other. Today I am sharing on how to get through these difficult times and still keep your peace and your joy. It is possible!

As someone who has had more than the average person's share of pain in my life, I have found a way to make it through the painful times. I cling to the verse in scripture "God works all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose." (Rom.8:28). Notice the word "ALL". That doesn't just mean the good things. That means the good, the bad, and the ugly.

When we have problems that seem insurmountable, when we have done all we can to try to "fix" a situation, here are some keys to help us let go of the pain and enjoy our lives despite our circumstances:

1. Focus on the reality that our God is BIGGER and GREATER than any circumstance we may face. God is working through our circumstances to mold us into the likeness of Jesus. Typically we focus on the problem, the person, the situation. This makes the problem bigger. Instead focus on the power and strength of God to help us handle with the situation.

2. Stop trying to fix things in your own strength. 
I have a tendency to work, work, work, to try to fix myself, fix relationships, fix problems. It comes from being raised in a chaotic home environment where everything was out of control. Something I heard from a pastor recently struck a chord "When we work, God rests. When we rest, God works."

Now that doesn't mean don't ever put effort into correcting a situation, but there comes a point where we have to say "I've done all I can. I am giving this to God." That point is different for each of us.

3. Find out what your need to learn. 
Every painful situation or circumstance has a lesson. God uses pain to teach us. Financial disaster teaches us to manage our finances better. Illness teaches us take better care of our health. Relationship problems teach us to be kinder, to love more, to control our anger. There is always a lesson in our circumstances and it is up to us to ask ourselves what that lesson is and to apply it for the future. 

4. Trust things will work out at some point. 
This is the practice of "letting go" and it is a practice. We often wear ourselves out trying to make things happen in our own strength, at least, I know I do. The truth is some things only God can fix. And in his timing, not ours. We want things fixed NOW, but sometimes people need to grow up, we need to heal, and these take TIME. As my oldest son said, "Time heals all wounds".

5. Thank God for his grace and mercy.
Gratitude is a powerful weapon against the forces that try to keep us from our destinies. Thank God AHEAD OF TIME for the victory - even BEFORE you see any evidence. The Bible says "Faith is the evidence of things not yet seen." (Heb.11:1). We have to call in what we expect to see and thank God for working in our lives. This is the power of FAITH.

So there you have them - five keys to keeping your peace and joy during  unfortunate circumstances. We all get hit with things, some of us more than others, but God is always with us and He promises to never leave us or forsake us.

For Reflection
Who or what has hurt you? Are you trying to change them? Wish you could change the situation? Would you have more peace if you gave it all to God?  

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Until next time, stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom to help you ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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