Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How to Discover Your Destiny - Part 2

Last week we talked about finding our destiny and purpose in life. Some people just fall into theirs almost by accident early on but many of us have to be prepared to enter our destiny. In other words, we have to go through stuff, so today I'm sharing on how to use the power of Faith to find your purpose. First a personal story as an example. 

Personal Story

Although grateful for the job my step-dad and ex-husband helped me get in IT, it was not the job of my dreams nor was it suited to my personality and skills. I listened to other people - took courses in computers, etc - because I thought they knew more than I did since they were 1) older 2) more experienced 3) men. They guided me in what they thought was best, not in what was best for me. This is a key point - find a job that is BEST for YOU - your temperment, your lifestyle, your personality and only YOU know these things. 

Long story short, the stress of being a single parent coupled with trying to maintain my job and please a variety of difficult bosses in a male-oriented culture, (no offense intended) along with several major losses in one year, plus going through the change of life, led to exhaustion, illness, and burn-out. The mind and the body can only take so much stress and mine had been telling me enough is enough but I wasn't listening. I was too focused on getting to that retirement date. I had planned on retiring the following year and was excited about pursuing my book-writing as a side-hustle. Little did I know, I would be retiring that year instead. 

But God knew what was ahead for me. He prepared the way for me and whatever situation you find yourself in, He has prepared the way for you too. 

You Are Not Here By Accident
There is a grand plan and we each have a part in it. We will never be truly fulfilled until we find out what that part is. And we do that by listening to that still small voice inside. The same small voice that told me to become a writer and start blogging. 


Discover Your Gifts 
What is it you enjoy doing? When do you get lost in the moment and lose track of time? What brings a sense of meaning and purpose to your life? How can I use my gifts to be of service to others? These are all questions to ask ourselves. In my case, people had been telling me for years to write a book because of all the stories I told about my life. 

Be fully committed. 
As in any successful endeavor, be it a marriage or a job, we must be fully committed to seeing it through. Sure there will be obstacles to overcome, but we must persevere if we want to see results. We cannot be double-minded or wishy-washy. We must be faithful to whatever we are called to do at the time. 

Learn the Lessons 
We each have lessons to learn at every season of life. I believe God does not move us to the next level until we have learned the lessons of a particular season. The lesson my last boss taught me was "Take care of yourself first". 

For some reason, it takes me a long time to learn my lessons. Perhaps it is because I had so much to heal from in my past. Only God knows. Often we are so caught up living life, we don't spend much time in reflection and so we fail to recognize the lessons before us. 

Let go of the outcome. 
There is one more thing we must - absolutely MUST do if we want to enjoy this journey. And that is to let go of the outcome. You know. Making a million dollars. Becoming a best-seller. Discovering the cure for cancer. Finding a mate. Saving the world. All we have to do is our part - however big or small it may be. 

Let go of the outcome. It is not up to us to determine the outcome. It is only up to us to show up and do our part. Day in and day out. Year in and year out. It's called being faithful. And above all, do it with joy. We must learn to be content, as author Iyanla Vanzant says, "in the meantime".

Keep the Faith 
This is where Faith comes in. You knew I'd fit this in somewhere, didn't you? Faith is the key to miracles, success, healing, joy and ultimately our destiny. We must be willing to step out of the boat and take that leap of Faith regardless of whether we see the path clearly in front of us or not. You better believe it was hard to step out of the boat I had been in for 33 years but I am so glad I did!

We do not have to have it all mapped out. Nor do we need a crystal ball. All we have to do is take that next step. God rewards Faith. Remember the story of Abraham and Isaac? Well, then. I rest my case.

For Reflection
What dream burns in your bosom? What gifts would you like to share with the world? What problem would you like to help solve? We are never too old to pursue our purpose so don't give me that "I'm too old to discover my destiny" baloney. You are reading this because this is exactly your time. Do comment below and share YOUR thoughts. I love hearing from you!

I hope something has stirred up in you. Find your passion. Find your purpose and most of all, find yourself! And if you enjoyed this article, join our community. Enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts plus a copy of my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path".

Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom to help you discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking UP!

Ariel Paz 

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