Tuesday, November 1, 2022

7 Strategies to Guarantee Weight Loss - Part 2

The battle of the bulge is a never-ending struggle for most of us, especially as we age and become less active. I gain 3 - 5 pounds every year in the winter time and am determined not to let it happen this year. I call it my winter pouch. 

There are a lot of factors that go into putting on excess pounds. Some are emotional. Lack of exercise. Lack of knowledge. Boredom. The list is extensive. 

The good news it is never too late to change our habits and small changes can make a huge difference as time goes on. Think of how much energy you will have, the activities you will be able to enjoy, the clothes you will be able to wear with confidence. Sounds great, doesn't it? So let's get started with more strategies I guarantee will help you lose those unwanted pounds.

Tip #4: Drink more water
This cannot be emphasized enough. Dehydration is a major cause of headaches, migraines, fatigue, dizziness and other symptoms. We often mistake hunger for thirst. So I drink a glass of water with a bit of lemon or lime juice which helps balance my PH especially at meals. The amount of water we need to consume on a daily basis varies but I think it's safe to say most of us don't drink nearly enough. An easy-to-remember rule of thumb is to drink at least 8 8 oz glasses of water daily, preferably filtered. Not only will drinking water keep you full, it will flush out those toxins and keep everything flowing nicely. Water also helps keep the skin hydrated.

Tip #5: Eat only when you're hungry

Now this may seem obvious to some, but if you're overweight, you probably don't wait for hunger pains to eat. I know because sometimes I don't. An upsetting phone call, an unresolved decision, an emotional dilemma can all make me want to head for the fridge or a snack. This is called "emotional eating". It is not real hunger pain and is a big factor in weight gain. 

Somewhere along the line we learned to use food to comfort ourselves during times of stress. Rather than eat unconsciously, try going for a walk, making a cup of tea, or try the tapping technique to process your emotions. 

As a working mom, I have had to eat "on schedule" for many years. The clock determined when I ate, not my belly. The key is to become more aware of what we are FEELING. This is where mindfulness comes in handy. Check out my posts and learn more here. I am working on becoming more conscious of my physical and emotional states when I want to reach for food. I ask myself "Are you really hungry right now?" "Is my stomach growling?" "Am I calm?" "Am I feeling crqanky or lack energy?" All of these are good indicators of true hunger. If I am not quite sure, I drink a large glass of water first and then see if I still want to eat.

Tip #6: Sit down to eat

Today's fast-paced lifestyle has many of us eating on the run, in the car, at the desk, at a fast-food joint. I know sometimes it can't be helped but eating on the run prevents us from focusing on what and how much we are eating. We don't enjoy the meal. When we slow down and focus on the taste, texture, and color of our meal, we are being mindful. This allows our brains and our bellies to recalibrate and deliver the message "I am full." We reduce the risk of overeating because we are more present and in control of our intake. As a single parent, I always made dinner-time a priority; it was important to prepare healthy meals and teach my sons good eating habits, but also to reconnect after everyone's long day.

Tip #7: Cut out snacking between meals
Once again, the "experts" have changed their minds. They used to tell us to "graze" throughout the day to "keep your metabolism going". Well, everytime we put something in our mouths, we stimulate the release of insulin and we all know that insulin makes us feel hungry. Instead of reaching for that candy bar or 3 pm. snack, go for a walk, or drink a hot cup of tea or water. Try to establish an "eating window" say from 10 am - 6 pm, and don't eat outside of that window or between meals. If you feel hungry between meals, you are probably not getting enough protein and fat to hold you so address that issue instead of snacking. 

Extra bonus tip:
One more tip to help us all maintain a healthy weight, and that is to make more meals at home. Restaurants are notorious for over-sizing portions, over-salting their food, and loading up on unnecssary fats, sugar, and additives. It's a pleasure to dine out occasionally, but healthy home cooking can't be beat. 

There are tons of healthy 30-min cookbooks out there so please don't use the excuse "I just don't have time to cook,". Order your copy of my new cookbook "Mediterranean Mom's Family Favorites: easy, ethnic, and everyday meals" your family will love. Over 150 healthy and nutritious recipes from all sorts of cuisines including keto, paleo, and gluten-free for those on special diets. Digital copy available for only $24.99. Simply use Zelle to send the payment to pattiel1108@gmail.com and I'll get it right out to you. 

In Conclusion
I have used these 7 strategies with success over the years to lose about 35 pounds and maintain a healthy weight so I know they work and they are simple to do. You can beat the battle of the bulge. You can be slim and trim, have more energy, and feel great about yourself. Start today with a few of these tips. 

What weight loss tips can you share with us? Leave a comment below or post on my Facebook page or Instagram. 

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In the meantime, check out my other offerings on AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Apple. Pop on over to Pinterest and enjoy the collection I have curated for you. And I just recently started posting on Instagram so follow me there too!

Until next time, stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom to help you ignite the power within and discover YOUR DESTINY!

And remember,  keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

Feel free to use and share my content but do acknowledge me as the source. Thank you!

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