Tuesday, February 6, 2024

4 Reasons Why Faith is Good for Your Brain

Are you worried about your brain? What you can do to improve the health of your brain? Well, today's post is for you then!

The Science
According to research by Dr. Andrew Newburg, author of six books and leading researcher, studies reveal the impact of a spiritual practice on brain function.  This area of research is known as "neurotheology" and demonstrates the relationship between the brain and faith. 

In his book "How God Changes Your Brain", Newberg discusses many interesting ways faith directly impacts the brain. For more details, check out this article.

The Benefits 
Just as there are many good reasons to work out, eat right, and stay fit, there are several very tangible reasons to develop your faith and spirituality. Here are a few of the major ones:

1) increases longevity

2) improves brain health by reducing cortisol levels

3) reduces emotional reactivity

4) increases resilience to life's challenges

History Shows
People who meditate, pray, and adhere to some sort of a spiritual practice are also less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety and have better control of their emotions. They value peace and harmony in both their inner and outer worlds. They value connecting to God and strive to live according to the values that respect and honor human life. Look at Gandhi and Martin Luther King as examples. They changed the world thru non-violent means and were both men of deep faith. I would venture to say that spiritually-minded folk are less likely to commit heinous crimes of violence. 

In this world of so much senseless violence, flaring tempers, and lack of respect for human life, it is clear to me that most people need to make developing their spirituality a higher priority. Spiritual growth is very closely linked to managing our emotions and out-of-control emotions are often what precipitate random acts of violence, road rage, etc. 

For Reflection
Do you have a spiritual path? How much time do you devote to prayer, reflection, study? Is there a group of like-minded folks you could join to help support your journey?

I hope this article has motivated you to consider making your spiritual path more of a priority in your life. We all have spheres of influence and when one person changes we impact others around us. Be the change you want to see in this world. We are all in this together.

Exciting Announcement
Speaking of spiritual growth, I am over-joyed to announce that my newest book, "Ignite the Power Within: 10 steps to Supercharge Your Spiritual Growth"  is now available for purchase on your favorite online retailers such as Amazon, Apple Books, B&N, and Kobo. For a limited time, if you order thru me, I am offering a nice discount. Simply email me and I will get your copy out to you. 

If you'd like to join our community and receive my weekly posts, please enter your email address in the box provided.You'll also receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" I enjoy hearing from you so please post a comment below or send me an email.

Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom to help you ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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