Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Why You Need to Journal Daily

A lot happens during the course of the day. And that means a lot of thinking. I've read that the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day. That is the average person. I bet many of these simply float by not even recognized by our conscious minds. That's why we wake up in the middle of the night, our brains are trying to process the events and emotions of the day. So this week, I'm sharing 5 tips on how and why it is important to start a daily journaling practice.  

Why You Should Journal 

Did you keep a diary when you were younger? The keeper of secret thoughts and dreams for no one's eyes but yours to see? Writing in a diary is a form of journaling, which is a key component of a spiritual practice. And it is not just for girls either. We all need to get in touch with our emotions. Men have a particularly hard time doing this because of the way their brains are wired. And we all know how bad accumulated stress is for our brains and our bodies.                                                           

Benefit #1:Reduces Stress

We all have it. Some days more than others, but it important to process stressful events before our head hits the pillow at night. When we journal, we gain clarity about situations. It helps us feel less anxious and helps us get to the root cause of our moods so we don't take it out on an innocent friend or relative. Here's an interesting article that talks about sleep and stress. 

Benefit #2: Helps Process Emotions

Journaling helps us to process the difficult emotions and feelings of our day. Often we brush aside any negative feelings, or ignore them completely but our emotions are messengers and we need to pay attention to what they are trying to tell us. Journaling gives us time to process and see just what is bothering us. I have a sticky note to remind me to check in with my feelings during the day. 

Benefit #3: Helps Us Be More Creative

When we slow down our minds, ideas and solutions surface. We can hear from God and that still small voice inside. Thoughts go by so quickly, if we don't write them down, we may lose them entirely. 

Benefit #4: Helps Us Get in Touch with our Needs

When we find ourselves easily frustrated or short-fused, there is a good chance we are not getting some need met. Asking "What do I need right now?" is a good starting point. Many of us are really good at taking care of other people's needs, but not so great at taking care of our own. The other day I was journaling and I remembered I wanted to get a massage set up. I haven't had one in years, and had forgotten the visit to the local beauty spa. It is important to recognize our needs and make sure they get met so we are in a better frame of mind to deal with others. It's called self-care. 

Benefit #5: Helps Us to Heal from Painful Events

I am a strong proponent of "getting it out", whether it be to a person or on paper. Verbalizing or writing it down is a healthy way of processing an issue or an event. If you don't feel comfortable talking about a situation with someone else, journal it. I guarantee you will feel so much better. Whatever you do, do not keep it bottled up inside you. That is both physically and mentally unhealthy. 

For Reflection

Are you ready to try journaling? I suggest buying a notebook of some kind. I like the spiral-bound kind, which are easier to flip the pages. Choose a nice writing tool, something that feels good in your hand. And then focus on writing down your thoughts and feelings from the day, not your daily to-do list. If you are angry or overwhelmed, write about it. If you feel depressed or anxious about something, write about it. The key is to get it out of your system and onto paper. There is some sort of spiritual process that releases stress and tension when you put your feelings on paper. You want this to be a sort of clearing process so that when you finish you feel more at peace and calm. 

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Stay tuned for more on how to ignite the power within so you can DISCOVER YOUR DESTINY!

Until next time, 

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 


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