For the past few weeks, we've been talking about how to have more joy. The foundation of having more joy is feeling good physically and emotionally. Our health should be our number 1 priority but sadly, it is often taken for granted, so today I'm sharing some tips on how to start your day off on the right foot and get you to having more joy.
The way we start our day has much to do with how we feel at the end of the day. Many of us are rushed, ragged, and run down on a regular basis. We snap at the kids, the spouse, the dog. When we are stressed, our will power goes out the window. We splurge on ice cream, chocolate, or down a few glasses of wine or beer at night to relax and then we wonder why we wake up in the middle of the night. Seems like a vicious cycle but it doesn't have to be this way.
Personal Story
As a single mom of two young boys, holding down a demanding career in IT, managing a house, the car, the yard, and all the issues of life, I learned that starting my day off right was more than a bowl of Special K. If I wanted to come home at night and be ready to deal with two young boys, dinner, homework, sports activities, baths, and then grad school studies, I needed to make some adjustments. So today I am sharing these simple but effective strategies with you so that you, too, can feel good when your head hits the pillow at night.
1) Start off the day with quiet and movement.

Solitude and movement are so important, especially in the mornings. Solitude allows us to think through problems, prepare ourselves for the events of the day, and calm our restless minds that are often over-active during the night.
Movement also gets our energy flowing. A few yoga poses, some stretches, or a slow jog, will help loosen our stiff and achy muscles and get our chi (life force) moving.
2) Fuel up with good nutrition.
It's been said breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now proponents of time restricted eating are saying it is okay to skip breakfast. It's an individual decision. I am not hungry until a few hours after I awaken. Then it's time for a smoothie or an egg and spinach omelette, or a good hot bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh blueberries and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
2) Fuel up with good nutrition.
It's been said breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now proponents of time restricted eating are saying it is okay to skip breakfast. It's an individual decision. I am not hungry until a few hours after I awaken. Then it's time for a smoothie or an egg and spinach omelette, or a good hot bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh blueberries and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
The key is to eat when you actually feel hungry, not by the clock or your work schedule, which I know is hard to do. When I was working, I would keep instant oatmeal packets at my desk and some items in the fridge so I could make breakfast on my timeframe. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Ariel Paz
Fresh fruit with oatmeal or yogurt, your favorite nut butter in a smoothie, or eggs with veggies are good ways to nourish the body and kick start our metabolism. Be sure to include a healthy dose of protein and fat or you'll be reaching for the candy jar before noon. A Starbuck's coffee, although quick and temporarily filling, is full of sugar and caffeine and is not going to give our bodies and brains the nutrition they need to function at optimal performance.
Did you know your brain uses 20 - 25% of the calories we consume? When we use our brains for heavy thinking, it uses more. I also packed a nutritious lunch from home instead of eating out everyday. Yes, it takes a few more minutes, but your health is worth it. Coworkers used to make fun of my healthy lunches and my ever-present supply of dried fruits, prunes, and nuts on my desk. We are what we eat and when others reached for the candy jar, I reached for a nutritious snack.
3) Dress for success
How we look has an impact on how we feel about ourselves. Yes, it takes time to do the hair, shave, and exercise, but people notice. When I glimpse in the mirror, I want to feel good about myself. When I dress nicely, and do my hair and makeup, I feel good. Sad but true, people do judge by appearances. A popular pastor recommends looking in the mirror every morning and saying "Girl, you look good today". I think that is pretty good advice. Most of us look in the mirror and see nothing but the wrinkles, the dark circles, or the thighs. As my mom would say, "Accentuate the positive and minimize the negative". None of us are perfect, not even the models in the magazines. We all get zits, wrinkles, and pick up weight from time to time. Don't let these surface things steal your self-confidence. Everyone has something they are not happy with, so go ahead and do your hair, dress to impress, and above all, wear a smile to work.
4) Set Your Intention for the day
Be intentional about your focus for the day. For example, if I am working on being patient, I will memorize a passage of scripture relating to patience. I might write it on a sticky note and stick it on my computer or my kitchen cabinet where it will remind me during the day.
Setting an intention helps keep our focus on what we want to improve on. Intentions are part of growth, both personal and spiritual. It takes time for our thought patterns and then our behaviors to change, but they will change if we persevere. Have you noticed that negative thoughts seem to bombard you first thing in the morning? We need to counteract these thoughts with positive thoughts right off the bat. I've say a scripture verse, "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it," (Ps. 118:24) to put me in the right frame of mind for the day. We are in control of our thoughts, but we have to be aware of them first. I use scripture but you can use whatever sacred text or words that have meaning for you.
3) Dress for success
How we look has an impact on how we feel about ourselves. Yes, it takes time to do the hair, shave, and exercise, but people notice. When I glimpse in the mirror, I want to feel good about myself. When I dress nicely, and do my hair and makeup, I feel good. Sad but true, people do judge by appearances. A popular pastor recommends looking in the mirror every morning and saying "Girl, you look good today". I think that is pretty good advice. Most of us look in the mirror and see nothing but the wrinkles, the dark circles, or the thighs. As my mom would say, "Accentuate the positive and minimize the negative". None of us are perfect, not even the models in the magazines. We all get zits, wrinkles, and pick up weight from time to time. Don't let these surface things steal your self-confidence. Everyone has something they are not happy with, so go ahead and do your hair, dress to impress, and above all, wear a smile to work.
4) Set Your Intention for the day
Be intentional about your focus for the day. For example, if I am working on being patient, I will memorize a passage of scripture relating to patience. I might write it on a sticky note and stick it on my computer or my kitchen cabinet where it will remind me during the day.
Setting an intention helps keep our focus on what we want to improve on. Intentions are part of growth, both personal and spiritual. It takes time for our thought patterns and then our behaviors to change, but they will change if we persevere. Have you noticed that negative thoughts seem to bombard you first thing in the morning? We need to counteract these thoughts with positive thoughts right off the bat. I've say a scripture verse, "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it," (Ps. 118:24) to put me in the right frame of mind for the day. We are in control of our thoughts, but we have to be aware of them first. I use scripture but you can use whatever sacred text or words that have meaning for you.
These four strategies cover all three parts of us: body, mind, and spirit. We must tend to every aspect of our being if we want to achieve healing, wholeness, health, and harmony.
For Reflection:
What area do you struggle with most? Is it your weight, your energy level, your self-confidence? These tips are guaranteed to help. I hope you try these for yourself and I'd love to hear how things go for you.
If you'd like to join our blog community and receive my weekly posts on health, wellness, relationships and faith and spirituality, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll also receive my free e-book entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path.
What area do you struggle with most? Is it your weight, your energy level, your self-confidence? These tips are guaranteed to help. I hope you try these for yourself and I'd love to hear how things go for you.
If you'd like to join our blog community and receive my weekly posts on health, wellness, relationships and faith and spirituality, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll also receive my free e-book entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path.
In the meantime, check out my other offerings on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple. Pop on over to Pinterest and enjoy the collection I have curated for you. Check out my new Mediterranean cookbook on the Delicious Recipes board. And I just recently started posting on Instagram so follow me there too!
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned as we learn more on how to ignite the power within so you can take back your life and discover YOUR destiny!
Until next time, keep smiling, keep moving, and keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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