Personal Story
Now you might not know this about me but people used to call me "shy and timid". Yup. I didn't speak up for myself. I let people take advantage of me, and I certainly didn't pursue MY goals and dreams. I pursued other people's goals and dreams. But then I discovered my super-power and my life completely turned around. And that is what I want for YOU, friend!
Not Just Another Self-Help story
You've probably read books on self empowerment before. They usually focus on interpersonal and communication skills and techniques you have to implement in order to be successful. What they don't address are the emotional and spiritual components that are the root causes of most failures in business and in our personal lives.
So today, I'm sharing the FIRST STEP to igniting the power within. It will transform not only your business but your entire life and it starts with what may be the most important part of our being - our heart.
Not Just Another Self-Help story
You've probably read books on self empowerment before. They usually focus on interpersonal and communication skills and techniques you have to implement in order to be successful. What they don't address are the emotional and spiritual components that are the root causes of most failures in business and in our personal lives.
So today, I'm sharing the FIRST STEP to igniting the power within. It will transform not only your business but your entire life and it starts with what may be the most important part of our being - our heart.
Let Go of Past Hurts
We've all been hurt, some of us more deeply than others. We may be holding on to unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, or regret. Or perhaps we are holding on to jealousy, anger, disappointment, or a strong need to control others which stems from fear. Often, we are not even aware we have these negative feelings. Yet, we cannot and will not move forward until we clear these all out.
Negative energy keeps us stuck.
If we want to move forward in life, we must free ourselves of any negative energy, in our thoughts and our speech. Let go of judgmental attitudes and assumptions based on perceived slights. It's time to start with a clean slate.
The First Step
So where to start? At the center of our being that's where. With the heart. The first step to igniting the power within is to have an open heart.
How do we do this? Here are five key steps to identifying, processing, and letting go of painful feelings and emotions.
1. Make time to get quiet.
This means getting away someplace where you can experience solitude. It may be your home. It may be the library, Starbuck's, a church, or a walk in nature - someplace where you can completely disconnect from distractions and noise and connect with your innermost being, where you can actually hear the still small voice inside you and pay attention to your thoughts.
2. Search within.
Ask yourself if there is any situation or person towards whom you may be harboring negative feelings such as anger, unforgiveness, or hostility. Really reflect on this. It might be something that happened a few days ago, a month ago, or many years ago.
Often, we unconsciously bury these painful emotions because we don't want to deal with them but like a thorn in a finger, they continue to hurt and cause unnecessary emotional pain. Many times we don't even realize we are holding on to negative feelings from the past. We keep ourselves busy with distractions and activity so we don't have time to feel the pain and this is both unwise and unhealthy.
When we spend some time in self-reflection, negative experiences will soon bubble up to the surface where we can process them in a conscious manner. It is like shining a flashlight into a dark cave to see what is hidden there. We might feel afraid at first but when we shine the light of awareness we see we have nothing to fear. You are more powerful than you realize and more courageous.
3. Identify any negative emotions.
Negative emotions do not go away on their own. I have found that it helps me to name what I am feeling. I usually have an "Aha!" moment when I realize just exactly what has been bothering me and why. It is like a veil has been lifted and I can see clearly. Now, I confess, this sometimes takes days for me to get clear but I have learned to pray and wait till I get clarity. I ask God to show me what is actually going on and He always does.
Supressing our feelings does us no good. In fact, ignoring them keeps us from moving forward spiritually and emotionally. What's more, when left to linger, negative emotions usually result in some kind of physical manifestation or illness. The body and mind are inter-connected and what hurts one, eventually hurts the other. Our feelings are like little children crying out to be heard and they will do whatever it takes to get our attention.
4. Deal with any grief, sadness, resentment or unforgiveness.
Grief and sadness are two of the heaviest emotions to process. They both lower our energy level. If there is any unprocessed grief or sorrow, we must allow ourselves to feel it. Yes, loss is painful, but it is only by feeling our feelings and accepting the situation as it is, that they can move through and out of our bodies and minds.
3. Identify any negative emotions.
Negative emotions do not go away on their own. I have found that it helps me to name what I am feeling. I usually have an "Aha!" moment when I realize just exactly what has been bothering me and why. It is like a veil has been lifted and I can see clearly. Now, I confess, this sometimes takes days for me to get clear but I have learned to pray and wait till I get clarity. I ask God to show me what is actually going on and He always does.
Supressing our feelings does us no good. In fact, ignoring them keeps us from moving forward spiritually and emotionally. What's more, when left to linger, negative emotions usually result in some kind of physical manifestation or illness. The body and mind are inter-connected and what hurts one, eventually hurts the other. Our feelings are like little children crying out to be heard and they will do whatever it takes to get our attention.
4. Deal with any grief, sadness, resentment or unforgiveness.
Grief and sadness are two of the heaviest emotions to process. They both lower our energy level. If there is any unprocessed grief or sorrow, we must allow ourselves to feel it. Yes, loss is painful, but it is only by feeling our feelings and accepting the situation as it is, that they can move through and out of our bodies and minds.
Sure, we can keep ourselves busy and distracted till the cows come home, but until we actually acknowledge and deal with our negative emotions, they will continue to keep us stuck - emotionally and spiritually. If there is some action you can take, do it. Write that letter. Make that phone call. Reach out to reconnect. You never know if the door will open until you knock on it. We were meant for unity not disconnection and it takes the spiritually stronger person to take the first step.
It is important to be gentle with ourselves, accept where we are, and make sure we give ourselves enough time to work through our feelings and heal. We will know when it is time to let go. The heart needs time to heal it's wounds. Our work is to heal our soul and become whole so we can move forward in life with joy and inner peace so we can fulfill the destiny we each have. Be kind to yourself during the healing process but also be cognizant of how long it has been and do seek professional help if you are stuck too long on the same issue.
5. Forgive yourself and others.
The best way to heal our heart is through forgiveness. We must forgive others and also ourselves. We all say and do things to hurt others and ourselves, often unintentionally. It is usually because we are hurting in some way. We act out, we overeat, we spend too much. There are a dozen ways we try to soothe our wounded souls.
Remember this. Forgiveness is not for the other person. It is for us - to set US free. It allows us to let go of the negative energy so we can move forward into our destiny. Refusing to forgive others only harms us. True forgiveness comes only through the power of God so if you are having trouble forgiving, ask God for help. He wants you to be set free.
For Reflection
For Reflection
Who or what is causing you to have a closed heart? Who has offended you or hurt you? Take some time this week to reflect and to process your feelings. What action can you take to help yourself heal?
So there you have it - the first step to igniting the power within is to have an open heart. If you enjoyed this post, stay tuned for the rest of the steps and for my new book "Ignite the Power Within: 10 Steps to Strengthen Your Spiritual Muscle", soon to be available on Amazon and other major online booksellers.
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Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
All rights reserved. If you would like to use this material, contact me at
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