Friday, December 22, 2023

How to Make Love a Reality this Season

As we enter the last week of Advent, amidst the frenzy of gift-buying and gift-giving, let us focus on the greatest gift of all - the gift of Love. Contrary to Hollywood movies and popular interpretation, love is not a feeling nor is it something that just hits you all of a sudden. Nor is it to be confused with with sexual attraction, chemistry, or lust. 

True enduring Love is an action and a choice we make on a daily basis, sometimes and often despite how we feel.  Now that may come as a shock to some of you but love is not simply or solely a matter of feelings. Many people get divorced because they just don't "feel" it anymore, but that is not what true Love is all about. 

Love is a daily decision and a conscious choice. It is a choice the Lord God made two thousand years ago to send his one and only Son to be born in human form to eventually die a criminal's death on the cross  - for you and for me. This week's post is dedicated to understanding this great gift of Love and what it means to us today. 

Imagine this scene for a moment: a couple and their newborn child huddle together in a stable filled with the sights and sounds of animals, hay, and probably some other not so pleasant things since there was no room for them at the inn. Instead of family and friends, they are encircled by strangers, cows, and pigs, in a land of poverty and persecution. Instead of fancy trees decorated with ribbons and lights, they are surrounded by stars and the light of the Heavenly Host. There are no beautifully wrapped gifts under a tree. No tables laden with food galore. There is no hustle and bustle, just a calm peace and the quiet of this Holy Night. They are surrounded by the warmth of Love and Wonder and Awe.

Despite the harsh conditions, the lack of shelter, and being far from family and loved ones, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding because they are surrounded by the Love and presence of God.

And so are you and I.  No matter who is mad at us, who has wronged us, who has rejected us or who is absent, whether we are married, single, or widowed, God is with us.  His name, Emmanuel means just that: God with us. Jesus understands the loneliness of being single, the sadness of loss, and the grief of the death of a beloved friend or relative. Despite how we may feel, we are never alone, just as Mary and Joseph were not alone. 

Whatever our situation, God is near. The question this season is: will we let the peace and the joy of what God has done for us soften our hardened hearts and heal our broken places? Will we draw closer to the Christ child and receive his precious gift of Love this season? And then, will we show this love to others even though they don't show it back to us? This is the love - the sacrificial love - that God showed us that silent night, not expecting anything in return. 

When the burdens of this life seem overwhelming, when we feel hopeless, alone, and rejected, we can remember Jesus felt this way too.  His answer was to get alone with God. Our answer is the same, not do more to numb ourselves from the pain, but to stop completely, to be still, and to reconnect with the presence of the Holy One. He is our rest and our refreshment. He is our peace and our joy and He wants nothing more from us than to make time to be with Him so that He can wrap us in his outstretched arms of love us and reveal himself to us once again.

For Reflection 
God loves us so very much that He sent his only Son, Jesus, to be born in a manger, to bring us the true gifts this world so desperately needs: hope, peace, joy and love. So I ask you, friend, will you pause to experience the presence of the Holy One this season? Will you make this holiday a little more peaceful and a little less stressful on yourself? It can be done, truly. It is simply a choice. And it starts with remembering that you are surrounded by Love.

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Wishing you a most blessed, peaceful and joyful Christmas!

Until next time, remember to keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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