Where is your peace level today on a scale of 1 - 10? Afraid to go out of the house? Anxious about the nightly news? Conflicted about the election, the stock market, the wars? The list of things that can steal our peace is endless. Yet, there is a better way to live than allowing these negative thought patterns to cripple you and steal your peace and joy. You have more power available to you than you may realize.These are all opportunities to strengthen what I call our spiritual muscle, otherwise known as the power of Faith.
You Have Supernatural Power

Each of us has been given a special power, a measure of faith, if you will. It starts off small, like a mustard seed, but by exercising it in tough situations, it becomes mighty like a tall cedar tree. When life presents us with difficult situations, these are opportunities to exercise our spiritual muscle. Just as we work out to strengthen our physical muscles, in the same way we need to "work out" to strengthen our spiritual muscle. Life and circumstances provide plenty of ways to get one.

Personal Story
So when I was a little girl, my mother relates that I was afraid of .....my shadow. Yup, my shadow. My family moved 31 times and each time I had to go to a new school, it was anxiety-provoking. Plus my mom always got me to school late and I would be so embarrassed to slip into class, hoping the other kids wouldn't notice. People described me as "shy" and "timid". Thankfully, as a young adult, I began to learn about God. I took a theology course in college and read the Bible end to end. I believe God was preparing me for what lie ahead.
Through many challenges such as an abusive marriage, a bitter divorce and financial ruin, several critical health crises, becoming a single parent, and raising two boys on my own, I learned about the power of God and the power of Faith. I can honestly say I've walked thru Hell and come out alive.
A Life Transformed
Today, I am writing books on the subject to encourage others. The trials I've been through have made me a stronger person. Now, I speak my mind and stand my ground. I no longer let people walk all over me or disrespect me. I am not afraid of anything that breathes. This is the power of Faith in action.
People have often said to me "You have a strong faith". It is because I have been through a lot of tough situations and trusted God through them all. I exercised my spiritual muscle. I can assure you when you begin to use the techniques I outline in my new book "Ignite the Power Within: 10 Steps to SuperCharge Your Spiritual Growth", you too will be transformed.
We are Each on Our Own Journey
Everyone is on their own journey. I believe that all religions and spiritual paths are connected in some mysterious way since many have common beliefs and values. I also believe in the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ and have experienced first-hand, the miracle-working power of Faith in many dire situations in my life. Situations where something dead and hopeless was resurrected. Health issues resolved that even specialists could not figure out. There is super power we receive when we accept Jesus Christ into our lives but that is a personal choice we each must make.
If you'd like to read about my true story of faith, miracles, and healing, order a copy of my true story, "The Power of Faith: a journey to healing, wholeness, and harmony" I can promise you, you will be amazed.
Walking in Faith
In order to live in peace and keep our joy on a daily basis, it is important we learn to walk by faith and not by sight. In other words, we need to expect good outcomes from difficult situations even before we see them. This is tough but it is a choice we make to believe that somehow God will work things out. Scripture says "He will make a way, where there seems to be no way." For more on this concept, read this encouraging post. It takes supernatural power to be able to see through the eyes of Faith.
For Reflection
Do you have a spiritual practice? Where do you stand with God? Is there a situation that is troubling you right now? Now is the time to strengthen YOUR SPIRITUAL MUSCLE and you, my friend, are in the right place! In the coming weeks, I'll be sharing specific steps to help you develop your own spiritual practice.
If you enjoyed this post and are interested in becoming more empowered, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts on spiritual growth plus I'll also send you out a copy of my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". We're all on this journey together so do share it with a friend or loved one.
Stayed tuned for more on this empowering topic on how to ignite the power within.
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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