Lent begins during the last of the dark, cold, days of winter which is a perfect time to slow down, refocus, and reprioritize what really matters in life. As we said, life is full of distractions. How many of us are following through on our New Year's resolutions? What happened? Distractions.
Sometimes God has a way of taking us out of our normal routine just so that he can draw us closer to Him. Let's take a look at a few biblical examples to understand how God uses times of loneliness to prepare us for our destinies.
The Life of Moses
Let's look first at the life of Moses. Now Moses, you will recall, was raised as royalty - the son of Pharoah - in the Egyptian palace. After learning his true identity as an Israelite, he decided to leave the luxuries of the palace and go live a nomadic life in the desert where he spent 40 long years. Ever feel like you're in a dry, barren time in life? I have and I bet he did too. It's not much fun but God has a purpose for times such as these. God uses these desert seasons to prepare us just as he did with Moses.
What was he doing out there those 40 long years? Or rather what was God doing in him during this time? God never wastes anything in our lives. I think Moses was learning to trust, listen, & depend on God. I bet he did an awful lot of thinking and praying during those forty years. Maybe he even thought his life was over. His executive position at the palace, surrounded by servants and riches, was a distant memory and now he was a nomad surrounded by mostly sheep.
But wait, God had big plans for him, didn't he? Remember the burning bush? God sure has a way of getting our attention suddenly. God's plan was to use Moses in a BIG way, which leads us to the next example, which shows us what not to do in the desert.
A Season of Suffering
The suffering, beaten, down-trodden people of Israel. These were the chosen ones and look how much they suffered all those years in Egyptian captivity. Have you ever suffered many long years? I have. Numerous times. Enter Moses, stage right, to lead the people out of bondage. How many miracles did they see? Hint: watch the movie "The Ten Commandments" or better yet, read the book of Exodus. The promise of a better life was before them, but what did they do? Complain, complain, complain; they complained about the food, the water, even the leadership. Sound familiar? FYI, God doesn't like complaining.
So they spent the next 40 years wandering the desert while God patiently waited for them to learn to trust him and accept their circumstances happily. But they didn't, and God said "Trip cancelled". The entire generation died off. But we do have a much better example of how to respond to times in the desert. Let's take a look at the life of Jesus.
The Life of Jesus
He, too, spent time alone in the desert. Forty days to be exact. Notice the pattern of 40 in the Bible. Is it a coincidence Lent is also 40 days long? What did Jesus do during his desert time? Fast and pray, that's what. Commune with God. Get quiet and alone. He wasn't out partying that's for sure.
The disciplines of solitude, fasting, and prayer, draw our attention away from food, drink, and the material distractions of this world. They open the channels to hear from God. The devil tried to tempt Jesus in his weakest moments with the promises of worldly pleasure, power, and significance. His tactics have not changed one bit since then. Have you heard of the acronym "HALT"? Never let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. These are the times when we, too, succumb to temptation. Many seek fame and fortune, power and luxury, but none of these give us the peace and fulfillment we so desperately crave.
Just as God had a plan for Moses and for Jesus, God has a plan and a purpose for your life, too. As we look at these examples, we see that by removing ourselves from the distractions and luxuries of this world, we can tune into the plan God has for our lives. During times of fasting, prayer, and quiet reflection we can hear that still small voice more clearly. We, too, can conquer the temptations that beset us and learn to trust God more fully. That, dear friends, is what Lent is all about.
For Reflection
Do you want to find your purpose and destiny? Or perhaps just the next step in life, whatever that may be. Guidance starts by learning to tune in to that still small voice and that happens by spending time in quietness, meditation, & reflection. Will you make time for spiritual disciplines this season or will it just be busyness as usual?
If you enjoyed the thoughts in this post, consider joining our community by entering your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly Tuesday posts plus my free e-book entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". Lent is the perfect time to go further in your spiritual path.
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
So they spent the next 40 years wandering the desert while God patiently waited for them to learn to trust him and accept their circumstances happily. But they didn't, and God said "Trip cancelled". The entire generation died off. But we do have a much better example of how to respond to times in the desert. Let's take a look at the life of Jesus.
The Life of Jesus
He, too, spent time alone in the desert. Forty days to be exact. Notice the pattern of 40 in the Bible. Is it a coincidence Lent is also 40 days long? What did Jesus do during his desert time? Fast and pray, that's what. Commune with God. Get quiet and alone. He wasn't out partying that's for sure.
The disciplines of solitude, fasting, and prayer, draw our attention away from food, drink, and the material distractions of this world. They open the channels to hear from God. The devil tried to tempt Jesus in his weakest moments with the promises of worldly pleasure, power, and significance. His tactics have not changed one bit since then. Have you heard of the acronym "HALT"? Never let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. These are the times when we, too, succumb to temptation. Many seek fame and fortune, power and luxury, but none of these give us the peace and fulfillment we so desperately crave.
Just as God had a plan for Moses and for Jesus, God has a plan and a purpose for your life, too. As we look at these examples, we see that by removing ourselves from the distractions and luxuries of this world, we can tune into the plan God has for our lives. During times of fasting, prayer, and quiet reflection we can hear that still small voice more clearly. We, too, can conquer the temptations that beset us and learn to trust God more fully. That, dear friends, is what Lent is all about.
For Reflection
Do you want to find your purpose and destiny? Or perhaps just the next step in life, whatever that may be. Guidance starts by learning to tune in to that still small voice and that happens by spending time in quietness, meditation, & reflection. Will you make time for spiritual disciplines this season or will it just be busyness as usual?
If you enjoyed the thoughts in this post, consider joining our community by entering your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly Tuesday posts plus my free e-book entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". Lent is the perfect time to go further in your spiritual path.
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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