Thursday, April 4, 2019

Who is "God"?

Who is God? What is God? I've heard Oprah Winfrey ask this question to her guests on her Super Soul Sunday podcasts and I thought it was thought-provoking so today we are going to explore that question and see where it leads us.

Perhaps as a child we may have envisioned some white-haired old man floating somewhere up there in the clouds, looking down on us with a stern face. As an adult we realize this is a childlike idea and we leave it behind. So then we struggle with the name "God". Some of us have stopped believing due to the inability to comprehend who exactly God is. Others have lost belief because of a painful situation or a dysfunctional relationship with a father or other authority figure.

Today we are going to discuss the mystery of God within the the limitations of the written word and my limited ability to communicate these thoughts to help us all become a bit more clear on who and what God is.

Many words have been used to "define" or name God. Some of them are:
- the Universe
-Higher Power
-the Divine
-the Creator
- Love
-the Source
- Allah
-El Shadai

As well, many attributes have been used to describe God such as:
- all knowing
- all powerful
- creative

So let me start off by saying that the word "God" is a label, a name. It's a term to identify the energetic universal creative force that includes both masculine and feminine traits. The word God is not in any of the Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic or Latin manuscripts that formed the Bible. We see the word "Lord" and Yahweh, but not God.

In reality, "God" is defined more by our experience of this force than by a name or a label. Our experience. This is why we should not judge how others perceive and experience "God". We each experience God in our own special way.

God wants to make himself known to each of us and, since we are unique, God manifests himself to us uniquely.  It could be a sense of peace during a difficult time or perhaps an emotional release in a  church service or meditation practice that tells us everything will be alright. God is truly present in our deepest personal and familial connections, the ones where there is love, understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness.

Sometimes we feel a connection to God through nature. I remember a visit to Sedona, Arizona as I gazed up at the night sky and was filled with awe at the spectacular arrangment of stars shining so brightly. I felt God then. We feel awe when we watch a sunset, climb to the top of a mountain or stand by the ocean.

God also works through other people to show himself. Someone gives you an unexpected gift on a day you're feeling down. The cashier opens up a line and beckons you over. Divine appointments start to occur. Read about some of mine in my book "The Power of Faith". God works through circumstances as well. God is always trying to get through to us because he LOVES us. My prayer is that he is using me to reach you through this blog.

For Reflection
How do you experience God? Where did your understanding of "God" come from? Are you willing to expand your understanding of who and what God is?

I hope this post has been thought-provoking. If you would like to join our community and learn more about healing, wholeness, health and harmony enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my bi-weekly posts plus a copy of my free eguide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

Stay tuned for more on how to ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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