Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Cure for Loneliness

Many people in this world are lonely. Perhaps like me, you are divorced and an empty nester. Or maybe you are widowed or never married. Friends and family are either too busy with their lives, married and too busy, and really good friends are hard to come by. Today I'm sharing how I combat loneliness and I hope it will help and encourage you too.

I have found that developing a relationship with God is the most comforting thing in the world. God, and remember that is just a label, is that unseen energy or force that makes the world turn. The good news is God is ALWAYS INTERESTED  in us! His line is never busy and he always keeps his word.

Would you like to learn how to hear from God better? Now I don't mean in an audible way, of course. God communicates with each of us differently. He already knows your love language. First let's talk about why is it so important to hear from our spiritual Father.

A few good reasons are:
1) so we can  make better decisions
2) so we can move forward in life
3) so we can live the abundant life
4) so we can learn how to overcome the difficulties of life
5) so we can have more peace even when everything around us is in chaos
6) so we can have more joy even during the tough times

First let me ask you a question.

Do you always need someone or something to keep you company? The TV? The computer? Your cell phone? The dog or cat?

Realize you are never really alone. 

Although we may feel physically and emotionally alone, it is important to realize this fact. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. God is always there, but let's just say he is behind the scenes, orchestrating circumstances for his purposes and for your growth. He is waiting for you to make time for him. "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you" (James 4:8).

Calm the mind and the body. 
Most of the time we use distractions, food, alcohol, technology, to calm us down which can lead to unhealthy consequences. In this fast-paced world we live in, it takes effort and focus to relax the mind and the body. The first step in hearing from God is to relax the body. Sometimes I go for a walk, a hike, or ride my bike. No Ipod, music, or cell phone. I may do some yoga poses to move out the stress and negative energy stored in my body.

Other times I simply need to slow down and clear my mind. I usually on the floor in a cross-legged position and focus on my breathing and my belly. When we are stressed our breathing is shallow and high in the chest. As we calm ourselves, our breath gets deeper and moves into the belly. I'm trying to develop a regular meditation practice to rest my ever-running brain.

Relaxing the body helps to relax the mind. As the body relaxes, slowly the clutter in the mind dissipates. Then we are prepared to hear from God. "Your servant is listening." I say out loud to get the attention of whatever angelic forces may be hovering.

Cultivate Solitude. 
Alone time is truly a gift. When we realize we are not alone, cultivating solitude will become easier to do. We will learn to block out the negative voices that try to make us feel bad about ourselves. Instead, we will focus on relaxing our body and our mind and being open and receptive to what God might be saying to us.

If I want to hear from my significant other or my children, I need to spend time with them. If I want to know what they think, how they feel, and what's important to them I need to spend quality time alone with them. The same goes with God. He is always near. It is we who distance.

Practice passage meditation. 
God does speak to his children and he does it in a variety of creative ways. One of the best ways to hear from God is to read a sacred text. I prefer the Bible because God is required to honor his word, not the word of anybody else. It is amazing how verses will jump off the page at me or start appearing from multiple sources in a brief period of time. They can be guidance, encouragement, or answers and it is up to me to delve into them more. I just had an experience with a verse, 1 Cor. 10:13. It just started popping up everywhere so I knew it was the Holy Spirit trying to pass me a message. In fact, it was an answer to a question I had been asking God. Even though I may have read this passage many many times, I had a new revelation which was exactly the answer to the question I asked. Amazes me!

Life is all about choices. If we want to feel less lonely and more connected, especially as we get older, it is important to develop an intimate relationship with God.  Just like any other relationship, it will take some time so be patient. When you start to connect, it will enrich your life and build your  faith and trust that you are indeed - never alone!

I promise you that nothing on earth can compare to hearing directly from the Almighty Creator of the Universe. It is an awesome thrill when God speaks and you hear it!

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Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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