We can't do much about external events, but we can control our inner lives and peace starts within. This week I'm sharing 12 tips on how to maintain our peace of mind during extra stressful times. Some of them you might already know so this will be a reminder to practice them when the going gets tough and we feel off kilter. So let's get started.
1. Take a deep breath.
Oxygen helps calm the body and signals the brain to counter the fight or flight reflex. When we are stressed we tend breath shallowly through our upper chest. Try a few deep, long inhalations expanding your belly and your ribs. Exhale very slowly. Feel the immediate calm. Close your eyes if you can and concentrate on breathing through your belly and your ribs.
2. Make time for solitude.
Being around people all day long is stressful; all the talking and chit chat can be very draining. I like to remind people that God gave us two ears and one mouth so we would listen twice as much as we talk. Instead of picking up the phone to vent your frustrations, try talking to God or journaling. Solitude is a gift we give ourselves.
3. Slow down.
The fast pace of life today is not only unhealthy, it is actually dangerous to our hearts, our brains, and our bodies. In order to live in the presence of God and in the present moment, we must slow way down and that means not only our lives and activities, but our thoughts as well. My mind can go a million miles a minute. Ask my mother. It takes awareness to slow our thoughts down and we can't do it if we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. God's pace is slow, have you noticed?
4. Pray and meditate.
A relationship with God, just like any relationship, is a two-way street. We need to talk and listen. Prayer is talking to God and mediation is listening. Make time to do both BEFORE things get chaotic. If I know I am going to have a busy day, I make even MORE time to pray in the morning. If my mind and my spirit are not properly prepared, there is NO WAY I'm going to stay peaceful and grounded. I remind myself that I am a child of God, that Jesus is always with me, and that all I need to do is trust and obey.
5. Disconnect.
Learn to appreciate quiet. It might feel awkward for a short time if you're used to constantly having the radio or television blaring, or the cell phone beeping and buzzing, but soon you will begin to enjoy it and your ability to hear from God will increase. Guaranteed.
6. Go for a slow walk.
Even a short 15 minute break on a busy day can get you off the rat's wheel and into a more relaxed frame of mind. I know it seems counter-intuitive but believe me, a SLOW walk will give you time to focus on your breathing and quiet your mind.
7. Watch the negative self-talk.
Capture the thoughts running through your mind at any given point during the day. Are they positive or negative? Or are you thinking things like "This XXX is going to be the death of me" or "This --- is driving me crazy" or "I can't handle this". If so, replace that old recording with positive affirmations. You will get it all done and you probably don't have to get it all done right now. You will not go crazy and you can handle whatever life throws at you. There is always provision when you learn to trust God.
8. Repeat a favorite prayer, scripture verse, or mantra.
Oxygen helps calm the body and signals the brain to counter the fight or flight reflex. When we are stressed we tend breath shallowly through our upper chest. Try a few deep, long inhalations expanding your belly and your ribs. Exhale very slowly. Feel the immediate calm. Close your eyes if you can and concentrate on breathing through your belly and your ribs.
2. Make time for solitude.
Being around people all day long is stressful; all the talking and chit chat can be very draining. I like to remind people that God gave us two ears and one mouth so we would listen twice as much as we talk. Instead of picking up the phone to vent your frustrations, try talking to God or journaling. Solitude is a gift we give ourselves.
The fast pace of life today is not only unhealthy, it is actually dangerous to our hearts, our brains, and our bodies. In order to live in the presence of God and in the present moment, we must slow way down and that means not only our lives and activities, but our thoughts as well. My mind can go a million miles a minute. Ask my mother. It takes awareness to slow our thoughts down and we can't do it if we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. God's pace is slow, have you noticed?
4. Pray and meditate.
A relationship with God, just like any relationship, is a two-way street. We need to talk and listen. Prayer is talking to God and mediation is listening. Make time to do both BEFORE things get chaotic. If I know I am going to have a busy day, I make even MORE time to pray in the morning. If my mind and my spirit are not properly prepared, there is NO WAY I'm going to stay peaceful and grounded. I remind myself that I am a child of God, that Jesus is always with me, and that all I need to do is trust and obey.
5. Disconnect.
Learn to appreciate quiet. It might feel awkward for a short time if you're used to constantly having the radio or television blaring, or the cell phone beeping and buzzing, but soon you will begin to enjoy it and your ability to hear from God will increase. Guaranteed.
6. Go for a slow walk.
Even a short 15 minute break on a busy day can get you off the rat's wheel and into a more relaxed frame of mind. I know it seems counter-intuitive but believe me, a SLOW walk will give you time to focus on your breathing and quiet your mind.
7. Watch the negative self-talk.
Capture the thoughts running through your mind at any given point during the day. Are they positive or negative? Or are you thinking things like "This XXX is going to be the death of me" or "This --- is driving me crazy" or "I can't handle this". If so, replace that old recording with positive affirmations. You will get it all done and you probably don't have to get it all done right now. You will not go crazy and you can handle whatever life throws at you. There is always provision when you learn to trust God.
8. Repeat a favorite prayer, scripture verse, or mantra.
I use Scripture because there is power in it, but you can use whatever phrases you prefer. Whatever is calming to you, memorize it and repeat it regularly.
Some good ones I use are:
- "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me."
- "Do not be anxious about anything, but pray about everything."
- "Lord, help me to be an instrument of thy peace."
- "Peace to all. Love to all. Light to all".
9. Keep your focus on God, not the universe.
Some people believe in "the universe", which is an impersonal external force, but I prefer to believe in a personal, caring, friend named Jesus, who cares about me individually and sees everything that is going on in my life.
Remember this verse:
"You will keep him/her in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he/she trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3)
10. Be gentle with yourself.
Realize you are only human. You were not built to do it all. Take a hot bath. Go for a swim or a walk. Treat yourself to a nice cup of hot herbal tea or your favorite coffee. Learn to relax. Put your feet up and read a few pages of that book you've been wanting to finish. Take the pressure off by scheduling less and relaxing more. This is a lesson I am learning as I am getting older. I cannot do what I used to do, so I need to be gentle with my body and my mind.
11. Set limits.
Learn to use that two-letter word 'NO' more often. We all have the same amount of time each day. No one sets our schedules but us. When I was raising my sons as a single parent, I learned things usually take more time and energy than I realized. I learned to build margin into my life so I wouldn't be so stressed out. Check out my blog post on it.
Some good ones I use are:
- "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me."
- "Do not be anxious about anything, but pray about everything."
- "Lord, help me to be an instrument of thy peace."
- "Peace to all. Love to all. Light to all".
9. Keep your focus on God, not the universe.
Some people believe in "the universe", which is an impersonal external force, but I prefer to believe in a personal, caring, friend named Jesus, who cares about me individually and sees everything that is going on in my life.
Remember this verse:
"You will keep him/her in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he/she trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3)
10. Be gentle with yourself.
Realize you are only human. You were not built to do it all. Take a hot bath. Go for a swim or a walk. Treat yourself to a nice cup of hot herbal tea or your favorite coffee. Learn to relax. Put your feet up and read a few pages of that book you've been wanting to finish. Take the pressure off by scheduling less and relaxing more. This is a lesson I am learning as I am getting older. I cannot do what I used to do, so I need to be gentle with my body and my mind.
11. Set limits.
Learn to use that two-letter word 'NO' more often. We all have the same amount of time each day. No one sets our schedules but us. When I was raising my sons as a single parent, I learned things usually take more time and energy than I realized. I learned to build margin into my life so I wouldn't be so stressed out. Check out my blog post on it.
Now that I am retired, I have time to relax more; to slow down from the frenetic pace of my former life and to relax and feel more at peace but it is hard to break old habits. Don't wait till you retire. Practice slowing down today.
12. Forgive yourself and others.
Unforgiveness is one of the main reasons we lose our peace. Ditch the false guilt. Realize you (or they) did the best you (or they) could under the circumstances and tomorrow is a new opportunity to practice and to let go. Forgiveness is a daily practice. Don't get in the habit of carrying baggage into tomorrow.
For Reflection
Which of these tips can you implement today? Are you ready to make peace a priority in your life? Who do you need to forgive?
12. Forgive yourself and others.
Unforgiveness is one of the main reasons we lose our peace. Ditch the false guilt. Realize you (or they) did the best you (or they) could under the circumstances and tomorrow is a new opportunity to practice and to let go. Forgiveness is a daily practice. Don't get in the habit of carrying baggage into tomorrow.
For Reflection
Which of these tips can you implement today? Are you ready to make peace a priority in your life? Who do you need to forgive?
When we make peace a priority, everything else falls into place somehow. Post a comment and let me know what tips you use to keep your peace.
If you'd like to join our community, plus receive a copy of my free e-guide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration. Be sure to check out my Pinterest boards at www.pinterest.com/arielpaz as well for tons of info, recipes, exercise tips. and much more. Also, am so excited to share my new ebook, "Finding Faith in a World of Fear" on pre-order sale now on Amazon.com for a limited time only.
Stay tuned for more on how to ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!
Until next time - keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
If you'd like to join our community, plus receive a copy of my free e-guide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration. Be sure to check out my Pinterest boards at www.pinterest.com/arielpaz as well for tons of info, recipes, exercise tips. and much more. Also, am so excited to share my new ebook, "Finding Faith in a World of Fear" on pre-order sale now on Amazon.com for a limited time only.
Stay tuned for more on how to ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!
Until next time - keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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