Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Managing the Busyness of Life

Life is busy, isn't it? We have a list of things to do a mile long and we run from one thing to the next trying to get it all done. Seems someone always wants our attention: our family, our boss, the spouse, friends. All this busyness can lead to anxiety, stress, fatigue and a host of other symptoms. Often we are not even aware of the stress load we are carrying and we ignore the signals our body sends us. Today, I am sharing on the importance of managing busyness and how to recognize when we are too busy. 

As a single mom, I had it all on my shoulders: the house, the job, the car, the kids, the yard, the housework, the bills, nightschool....I could go on. I learned that I had to make time not only for myself but also time with God if I wanted to have the energy and the wisdom to get it all done and make the right decisions on how to do it. People would ask "Where do you get all your energy?" I know it was from spending time with God.

Don't make excuses 
Now you might say "I don't have time to :
a) exercise
b) clean my house
c) spend time with God 
d) go to church or wherever 

Friend, I say this in love, if you don't have time for God or for the basics like keeping your house clean - you are too busy. What you are basically doing is prioritizing everything else ahead of the basic fundamentals of life which I talk about in my e-book "Streamline Your Life: 5 Fundamentals to creating a balanced and joyful life". If we don't manage the basics, we are building a faulty foundation and eventually any life built on a faulty foundation will collapse. 

How to Make Good Decisions It is especially important to make time for your spiritual development. Without the wisdom of God, you will make more mistakes - in your finances, in your relationships, and in your decisions. I know because I've done it. 

God is the source of true wisdom and when we don't care to find out what he thinks about stuff, when we think we know it all and don't need to run it by God, we set ourselves up for another big mistake. This is pride in all its fallen glory. And you know what they say about pride going before a fall!

Make time for God 
So what do I mean by "making time for God'? The mind and the body were not built to handle so much activity on a daily basis. We need regular periods of rest, relaxation, and solitude. I don't mean go to the gym or exercise, I mean get alone, go for a walk in nature, meditate, read sacred literature, do something slow and contemplative. 

We need to let the dust settle, so to speak. We give God a phone line to speak to us through.  When we keep our minds and bodies constantly on the go, we block the flow of communication. Otherwise, God says "Oh, the line is busy again." Just like any healthy human relationship, we need to make time for  a relationship with God. Good relationships need time and regular communication.

Learn from Jesus
Stress is nothing new to society. People in Jesus' time had stresses of their own. They had no modern medicine or conveniences like we have today, and were, for the most part, poor and uneducated. They had to walk everywhere and thousands clamored for Jesus time and attention. Ever feel that way?

So when things got hectic and the crowds and activity got to be too much, what did Jesus do? He went away to be quiet and spend time with the Father - in solitude, prayer, and meditation. And that is exactly how I am suggesting we manage our busyness as well. I know it sounds counter productive, but it works. No matter how much is on your plate, make time to get off the fast-track and get quiet. You will be surprised at the clarity you will get and you will be more productive in the long run. 

How often you do make time alone and get quiet? Do you make it a priority? How has it helped you maintain your stress levels? Send a comment and share your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you and if you enjoyed this article, do sign up for my weekly posts by entering your email address in the box provided. You'll also receive a copy of my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" .

In the meantime, stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom on finding healing, wholeness, and harmony so you, too, can ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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