Are you looking forward to the New Year with anticipation and excitement? Are you happy to close the chapter on 2019 and start reading the new decade ahead? The way our year goes has much to do with our expectations as well as our actions. What we anticipate or expect will eventually appear in our lives. What we put out into the world will come back to us manyfold. Since this is the last post of the decade, I want to leave you with some positive thoughts to contemplate and some actionable items to help us all see more blessing and abundance in our lives in 2020 and beyond.
1. What we dwell on is what will materialize in our lives.
Our thoughts have power. A LOT of power. We have the ability to create the most incredible destinies or not. This is why I emphasize the power of FAITH so much. If we dwell on negativity, doubt, and fear, that is what will manifest itself in our lives. If we want to see miracles, healings, and abundance we have to think on "things above". In other words, we have to envision what we want our life to look like even if we don't see it in the present and even if it seems impossible. This is the essence of faith - believing in things not yet seen.
2. Be appreciative.
Practice an attitude of gratitude. I can't stress this enough. When we are thankful, we open the door for more blessings. When we acknowledge and appreciate what we are given, same thing. When was the last time you said "Thank you" to someone? We should be saying it many times a day. And don't forget to say "thank you" to God too! For getting you home safe. For that parking space. For the raise or promotion. All good things come from God.
Every kind gesture counts. Every acknowledgment is seen. I wave when someone lets me get in front of them in the lane. I say "thank you" for the little things someone does - like sending me a card or calling me to say hello. This shows appreciation. Don't take people for granted. Be appreciative and say thank you more often this year. You will feel so much more joy, I promise.
3. Be generous but wise
Coming from a single parent home and then being a single parent myself, it's taken me time to overcome the lack mentality I grew up with. Now when I tip, I give a little extra. I support numerous charities. I had two sponsor children. One I supported for over 20 years. I give gifts and send cards at holidays, Christmas, and birthdays. I smile. I help people in need. It's a good feeling to help others.
Being generous is an attitude of the heart. It shows we realize where our blessings come from and that by being generous we keep the flow going. Don't be a Scrooge or a penny-pincher. Frugal yes. Cheap no. Spend on what really matters to you but resist so you can have something left over to be a blessing to others. Do we really have to have the latest and greatest whatever? Do we really need another.....? Every time I buy something, I get rid of something to help prevent clutter and waste. How we spend our money, like our time, shows what we value. At the end of the year, it is good to ask ourselves "How will I spend my money this year?"
4. Do less, be more.
You've heard me say this before - slow down and do less. It takes a while to sink in, I know. I'm still working on it myself. More time to simply be, to reflect, to contemplate, to be still, to pray. As a single mom, with a demanding career and two growing boys, I was always on the go. Friends would be incredulous at how much I got done. No wasting away the day for me. As the seasons of my life have changed, I have learned the importance - no, the necessity - of slowing down and doing less. We are human beings, not human doings. When we are in such a frantic pace we don't have the patience to be kind, to be thoughtful, to care, to listen, to hear from God. It's all about us. What can you cut out this year to be more in tune with Spirit?
5. Make peace a priority.
This may be the most important tip of all. Stress is a killer, and if we don't make peace a priority, stress will get the best of us over time and result in a myriad of physical and emotional problems.
Peace doesn't just happen. We have to make it a priority and make conscious decisions that lead us toward peace. I ask myself "Will this decision, choice, or action bring me peace?" The key is "in the long run". Some actions - like setting boundaries and limits - might not bring us peace in the moment but in the long run they will. This doesn't mean being a door mat either. Peace comes from standing up for yourself and speaking your mind no matter who agrees or disagrees with you. We have to be at peace with ourselves and God before we can be at peace with others.
I've realized many people don't even realize they are anxious, talk too much or too loudly, or gossip, but they make my blood pressure rise. I've let them go. Eliminate drama queens, energy suckers, and anxiety provoking people and situations. Leave a stress-filled job or relationship.
Calm is our birthright. Anxiety and stress are not. Choose your friends wisely. If all they want to do is talk about all their problems, suggest they see a counselor. Being a good listener is one thing, but being a dumping bag is another. Practice prayer and meditation. I am practicing mindfulness so I realize sooner when my thoughts start going down the rabbit hole. There are many techniques out there today to help us stay in peace. One of my current favorites is EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - otherwise known as tapping. Check out the Tapping Solution. I find it very helpful and effective.
6. Follow the joy.
This lesson was a bit less obvious for me to learn, but I got it finally. Joy is a guide in our lives. When we are making a decision, follow the joy. When we need wisdom on what to do, follow the joy. When we don't have joy, ask ourselves "Why not?" It is usually due to a lack of peace. Joy gives us the strength to pursue our destinies and leads us in the path that is best for us.
Now, don't confuse joy with happiness. (Check out my posts on the difference). Joy is that bubbling up of inner delight and energy. It's when your gut, your intuition, and your Spirit all say "YES"! Scripture confirms this "The joy of the Lord is my Strength" (Neh 8:10). Joy is from being connected to God and His Holy Spirit thru Jesus Christ. It comes when we are at peace with ourselves, others, and God.
Well, those are my 6 tips to implement this new year and to develop this decade. We all want more peace, more joy, less stress, and more blessings in our lives and these 6 keys will help us achieve all of these as we continue to ignite the power within and discover OUR DESTINY!
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Until next time, have a wonderful, happy, and healthy New Year and as always,
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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