When I was raising my sons as a single mom, I made sure they learned this phrase "What can I do to help?" I wanted them to learn to offer their service and not wait to be asked to help. It was as much out of necessity as it was out of teaching them good values. Service is a gift we give to others and it comes in many forms. It is also a gift we give to ourselves and to God. This week I'm sharing the seventh and last part of our series on developing a spiritual practice. I hope you enjoy this post.
What is Service?
Basically, service means reaching out to help others without expecting anything in return. Some examples are volunteering at a church, a shelter, a school, your community, or an organization you relate to. It can mean a job, such as a repair man, a health professional, a nurse, a counselor, a firefighter, a policeman. Of course, people get paid for doing their job, but these are all types of service.
Finding Your Gift
Some people find their gift early on in life. I remember in high school, this guy had a crush on me and flying airplanes. Years later, we caught up at a reunion and sure enough, he had become a pilot. My gift was foreign languages. Not chemistry or science, but mastering foreign languages. I wanted to become an interpreter but my life took a turn and that was no longer an option.
I believe that our gifts can lead us to our calling and maybe even to our destinies. If we listen to that still small voice instead of someone else's. I think people are happier and less stressed when they are operating in their calling. Some of the happiest folks I know are teachers. They love the kids, the interactions, and they feel fulfilled. They are serving.
Hidden Gifts
Not every gift is apparent at a young age. Personally, I believe some of us have healing work to do before we can operate in our gifting. My writing is a gift. Now if you ever told me I would become a writer years ago, I would have told you you were nuts. I remember getting a C- in English in college and I was devasted. English was not my bag but look at me now.
Gifts can surface at any age and in any season of life. We each have been given different gifts and they are to be used to help the world in some way. I don't believe we are fully our authentic selves until we find and use our gifts in service to others.
For Reflection
Where could you be more of service? To your family? Your community? What gifts could you employ in this service? What is preventing you from stepping out to serve?
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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