Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Part 6: Finding Community as the Answer to Loneliness

How often do you feel lonely? Disconnected? Isolated? Single folks can often feel lonely but you can also feel lonely in a marriage. As human beings, we have a deep rooted need to feel like we belong. This is why many people have dogs and cats, to keep them company and make them feel less alone. The good news is there are some things we can do to feel more connected others and to God. Today is part 6 of our series on developing a spiritual practice and we will talk about the importance of community and connection. 


Community as a Spiritual Practice
As we defined it early, a spiritual practice involves regular activities that promote personal connection to the Divine, to God, and to others. The early church provided a means for filling this need for community and friendships as well as support, but the "church" has been tainted by the fallibilities of the humans who run it and people have turned away from God because of the actions of people. We no longer have a safe place to find community and God, so where do we look instead?

Finding Community 
Many people have left the organized church, but still the need for community and a sense of belonging exist. Some of us are lucky enough to find community and connection within our families but not everyone has a big, close family. Divorce separates and disconnects many families as do the wounds it inflicts on the members. The pain of divorce can cause us to isolate and disconnect from family members and others, which leaves us with a big hole in our hearts because we are meant for connection. 

Alternately, we gravitate towards hobbies often looking to join others who share our interests. We participate in activities such as football, soccer, dancing, hiking, biking, running, yoga or meditation classes, to name just a few.

These activities provide not only a sense of community, but also a sense of belonging, and friendships to fill the loneliness that many experience. No one person can fill all our needs, which is why friendships and community are so important. 

Social Media as Community 
In this super frenetic, hyper-activity world of ours, society has turned to technology to fill this need for community. Dating services are wildly popular due to our innate desire for connection. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok all provide instant gratification and a sense of connection.

I am not here to judge the value of these platforms, but I suggest their popularity is an attempt to connect, to communicate, and to be heard, all of which come from community. 

The Most Important Relationship
Relationships are important. We all know that, but the most important relationship we can have is with ourselves and with God, as we are part of God. It is crucial that we know who we are and whose we are. No matter what has happened to you in life, know that you are a beloved child of God. It doesn't matter who has rejected you, who has left you, or who you are with. God is always with you and he promises to never leave you or forsake you so why not make time to get to know God?

For Reflection 
Where do you find community? Connection? What relationships do you look to for support? What groups do you belong to? Have you considered joining a new community and getting to know other people outside your regular sphere? Sometimes it is healthy to break out of our comfort zone and meet new people. 

If you'd like to join our community and receive my weekly posts PLUS a copy of my free guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path", enter your email address in the box provided. And remember, communication and community is a two-way street so do feel free to connect with me and others on Facebook Twitter, and Instagram @ArielPaz08. 

In the meantime, check out my other offerings on AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Apple. Pop on over to Pinterest and enjoy the collection I have curated for you. And I just recently started posting on Instagram so follow me there too!
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned as we learn more on how to ignite the power within so you can take back your life and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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