Negative thoughts and feelings come to us all. This is normal. Negativity steals our joy and our energy. If we allow them, they will lead us down the proverbial rabbit hole into despair, depression, and lethargy. This is because negative thoughts take up more space in our brains, but there is something we can do to stop them. Today, I am going to encourage you to become more aware of your negative thoughts and feelings and give you practical tips on how to counter-act them so you can have more joy and energy and spend less time down in the dumps.
1. Be aware of how we are feeling.
I can testify, this takes practice. I'm still working on it as I was raised to ignore my feelings and it's only in the past few years that I have learned this is an unhealthy way to live.
We need to slow down and get quiet so we can identify what we are feeling. When we are on the run all the time or absorbed in tv, the internet, or our phones, we can't connect to our inner selves. We need to disconnect from all the electronics and the activities and just be still. I actually have some of those yellow sticky notes on my computer monitor to remind me to check in with my feelings. It has to become a regular practice.
2. Be aware of what we are thinking.
Our feelings come from our thoughts. If we allow negative thoughts to run wild, we will constantly feel down, depressed, and lacking energy. We won't be able to fulfill the destiny and purpose we each have. Joy promotes energy and when we are low on joy, we are low on energy.
This is where mindfulness and meditation practices can help. Check out my posts on these two practices that train us to be more aware of the thousands of thoughts that flit through our minds on any given day.
3. Counter-act negative thoughts with the truth.
Once we recognize the negative tapes playing in our minds, we need to take the next step. What we may not realize is that we don't have to dwell on these negative thoughts and feelings nor accept them as truth. Some things we have believed for years. Today is the day to put them in the dumpster.
Negative thoughts come from a place of low self-worth. Thoughts such as:
"I'm too fat." "I'm too old." "I too dumb". "I'm too unattractive" "I'm too clumsy" "I'm too lazy". "Nobody cares about me" bombard us regularly. If we want to live happy, healthy, and fruitful lives we have to reprogram our thinking.
Old thought patterns need to be replaced with newer, healthier thought patterns. This is where I use the word of God because God is truth. Whatever God says about me is true. God says this about you and me:
"I am loved" (John 3:16).
"I am a child of God" (John 1:12)
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Ps. 139:14)
"God has a plan and a purpose for my life" (Jer 29:11)
"I am never alone" (Deut. 31:6)
"God cares for me" (Math. 6:26)
"God sees every tear I have shed" (Ps. 56:8)
So there you have a practical step-by-step process to help you conquer your joy stealers. Implement this process and see how you begin to feel. Write and let me know how it goes for you.
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Until next time, stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom to help you ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!
Ariel Paz
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