No matter where you are or how you are feeling as the New Year starts, get ready! The good news is when we start feeling stale, bored, joyless, or down and depressed, it is a sign we are on the brink of a transformation. The New Year is the perfect time to take a leap of faith into something NEW, EXCITING and maybe a little bit scary! This week I am sharing 4 actions we can take to get started on the right foot. Let's find out what they are.
1. Leave Some Things Behind.
You know what it is. It could be a dead-end job or career decision, a dead-beat boyfriend or relationship. Or maybe you just want to leave your old life behind and travel the world. After all, the world is your oyster!
If we want to make room for something NEW in our lives, we have to first let go of whatever is no longer bearing fruit it our lives. It's kind of like decluttering our closets. We only have so much time, energy, and money and it is important to be mindful of just how and where we spend these resources.
2. Forgive Yourself and Others
This one is not always easy to do, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, it is possible. We all make mistakes. We say or do things in the heat of the moment that we later regret. Mistakes are learning experiences, but don't just blame someone else. There are always two sides to every story, and two people in any disagreement or conflict. Accept responsibility for your part and make the necessary changes. Hopefully the other person will do the same. Then you can forgive yourself and them and move forward.
3. Welcome in the Joy
Joy is fuel that moves us forward into the NEW. Consider the joy factor when making any big decision. If there is no joy in it, it probably is not the right decision, person, job, etc. Moving forward in life involves trading the old for something new AND something better. We leave behind people and activities that have become stale, unhealthy, or unfruitful to open the door for new opportunities, healthier people, and activities that will bring us joy and purpose.
Sometimes letting go means making tough choices. This is where the rubber hits the road and we have to really dig deep to find out what matters most to us. Life's choices become more difficult the closer we get to what we truly want from life. If you want to take back your life this year, I hope you'll order a copy of my ebook "Take Back Your Life: 5 Keys to Reclaiming Your Personal Power". It is also available on Amazon and Apple Books and other online booksellers.
4. Step Out in Faith
3. Welcome in the Joy
Joy is fuel that moves us forward into the NEW. Consider the joy factor when making any big decision. If there is no joy in it, it probably is not the right decision, person, job, etc. Moving forward in life involves trading the old for something new AND something better. We leave behind people and activities that have become stale, unhealthy, or unfruitful to open the door for new opportunities, healthier people, and activities that will bring us joy and purpose.
Sometimes letting go means making tough choices. This is where the rubber hits the road and we have to really dig deep to find out what matters most to us. Life's choices become more difficult the closer we get to what we truly want from life. If you want to take back your life this year, I hope you'll order a copy of my ebook "Take Back Your Life: 5 Keys to Reclaiming Your Personal Power". It is also available on Amazon and Apple Books and other online booksellers.
4. Step Out in Faith
If we want to transform our lives, we have to be willing to step out of the boat, in other words, our comfort level.
Recently, several friends have married. They sold their homes and moved to new cities, two of them out of the country. They left behind their friends and families to pursue a new life with their chosen mate. I left a lucrative career in IT after 30+ years, to have more peace, creativity and fulfillment in my life. My son moved out of state to pursue his passion and dreams. Moving forward involves faith, courage and the willingness to step out into the unknown. If you'd like to learn more about strengthening your faith, check out my collection of books on spiritual growth here.
5. Discover Your Destiny
I don't know about you, but I believe we each were put on this earth for a purpose. Not to just live a humdrum ordinary get-by life. You were meant for more than status quo! I love the way author Marianne Williamson puts it when she says, "You began as a thought in the mind of God". I recently heard it put like this, "You will only go as far as you can envision yourself going." or something like that. If we want to make a difference in this world, we have to have a vision for our lives. If we want to soar like the eagle, we must ignite the power within so we can discover our destiny.
For Reflection
What is it that is no longer bringing you joy? Certain relationships? A nowhere job? A church or community? Unhealthy behaviors and thought patterns? Do a run through and see.
For Reflection
What is it that is no longer bringing you joy? Certain relationships? A nowhere job? A church or community? Unhealthy behaviors and thought patterns? Do a run through and see.
Are you pursuing your dreams and aspirations? Rising to new levels? Or are you content with the status quo? The same old same old? When boredom sets in and we lose our joy and zest for life, that is a sign it's time for something new. We were meant to fly like eagles and SOAR!
If you'd like to grow your faith, check out my true story "The Power of Faith: a journey to healing, wholeness, and harmony" available on Amazon and your favorite online bookseller. Or you can order the digital format by emailing me at for $3.99.
If you feel motivated and encouraged by this post, enter your email in the box provided and you'll receive my weekly posts. You'll also receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "How to Develop a Spiritual Practice".
Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom.
Until next time, keep looking up and get ready to SOAR!
Ariel Paz
All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this material, contact me at
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