Are you moving forward in life? Or do you feel stuck? Are you harboring negative feelings towards anyone? A grudge? Anger? Bitterness? Resentment? Do you suffer from arthritis, cancer, or other ongoing physical pain? These can all be related so this post is dedicated to helping you be set free emotionally and physically so you can move forward in life and have more joy.
Today I'm sharing on the importance of forgiveness and how it can propel us forward in our relationships and personal lives by freeing us from emotional bondage and improving our physical and mental health.
First, let's talk about the damaging effects of unforgiveness.
1. Destroys families and relationships
2. Steals our mental focus
3. Steals our energy, joy, and inner peace
4. Keeps us from receiving God's blessings
5. Prevents us from moving forward in life
6. Causes physical and mental disease
When we hold on to negative thoughts and feelings, we are doing ourselves much harm. Negative feelings fester until they consume us. They keep us from being the kind and loving people we were created to be. They snare us into making hurtful decisions that further alienate us from others. Why do you think so many people have a sour look on their face? They are harboring unforgiveness and this affects the people around them. This may account for much of the violence we see in the world today.
In addition, holding onto hurts, either real or imagined, is not good for our health. Studies show that unforgiveness affects our health in more ways than one. Of all cancer patients, 61 percent have forgiveness issues. Now that is sobering news. But it doesn't have to be this way.
If we want to live long, healthy, and joyful lives and move forward in our personal goals, it is critical that we learn to forgive. Some of the benefits of practicing forgiveness are:
1. Frees us from emotional bondage
2. Energizes and strengthens us
3. Promotes a positive and peaceful outlook on life.
4. Allows us to focus on our dreams, goals, and aspirations.
5. Opens the path for good things to flow into our lives.
6. Heals damaged relationships.
Like most things good for us, forgiveness is a practice, just like exercise. It is tough at first, but over time it becomes easier and easier. I've had so many people hurt me but I knew I had to forgive before I became in bondage to the pain. Forgiveness frees us to live in peace and joy, instead of pain and bitterness. Before we know it, it becomes part of who we are - a forgiver. Soon, we won't be able to tolerate discord in our relationships and we will know immediately when we need to forgive or ask forgiveness.
The difficulty we must overcome is that forgiveness goes against our ego and our pride. This is why we need God's help. We can only truly forgive someone who has hurt us deeply by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit. We must be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. When God says "Apologize" or "Forgive" or "Let that go", we must be quick to obey.
When I think of all Jesus has forgiven me for, who am I to hold something against anyone else? And if you think you've never done anything wrong in the eyes of God, think again. We have all sinned and we all need to be forgiven by God.
In the end, forgiveness is a choice. We can either wallow in our misery and victim-mentality, stewing on past hurts or we can choose to let go and move forward into a freer and healthier life.
Who do you have ill feelings towards? A relative? Friend? Coworker? Decide today to let go of the pain they caused you. That is why Jesus died on the cross so you can be set free.
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Until next time, stay tuned for more practical and positive wisdom to help you find healing, wholenss and harmony and ignite the power within!
Keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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