Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Why Your Daily Choices are So Important

We all make lots of choices every day. Some are concious and others are from sheer habit. Some of them are minor like what shirt or tie to wear or where to have lunch. Other choices are much more important and in fact, some determine our destiny, like what career path we pursue, if we choose to marry and who, who we hang around with, and what actions we will take. In reality, our lives as well as our destinies are made up of the many decisions we make every day.

Think about it for a moment. Choices about what to eat, what to buy, whether to exercise or plop ourselves in front of the boob tube over time, all become habits - some good, some bad. These habits will either benefit us or harm us in the long run and by then, it will be too late.

Daily choices of a donut over a piece of fruit,  a workout or a boob tube session, a choice to be kind or to be rude, a choice to stay addicted or to get healthy, a choice to choose peace or to allow drama and strife. Our choices determine our lives and our destinies.

The same principle applies to our thoughts and beliefs.
We can choose positive uplifting and hope-filled thoughts. Or we can choose negative, depressing, and discouraging thoughts. We can choose to see the silver lining of every difficult situation or we can allow our peace and joy to be stolen by the inevitable challenges of life.

This same principle applies to our spiritual beliefs.
Spirituality is a crucial component of our lives. We are spiritual beings living in a physical body. Ignoring our spiritual self is like ignoring our need to eat or sleep. We are body, mind, and spirit and all three components need to be attended to.

We can choose to have faith in God or not. We can choose to have faith in ourselves or not. And we can choose to have faith in others, or not. The daily choices we make in this area will strongly impact who and what we will become and whether our not we will achieve our destiny. Our choices also impact who and what others become.

So today, I ask you this question: will you choose faith? Will you choose to believe in God, yourself and your loved ones? As the Bible says "Faith is the belief in things not yet seen". Because, after all, if we could see it, it wouldn't be faith at all now would it?

I hope this post was encouraging. If you enjoyed it, enter your email address in the box provided to join our community and receive my bi-weekly posts. You'll also receive a copy of my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

Until next time, choose to believe in yourself, in others, and in God and as always,

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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